reticulate (version 1.13)

virtualenv-tools: Interface to Python Virtual Environments


R functions for managing Python virtual environments.



virtualenv_create(envname = NULL, python = NULL)

virtualenv_install(envname = NULL, packages, ignore_installed = TRUE, ...)

virtualenv_remove(envname = NULL, packages = NULL, confirm = interactive())


virtualenv_python(envname = NULL)



The name of, or path to, a Python virtual environment. If this name contains any slashes, the name will be interpreted as a path; if the name does not contain slashes, it will be treated as a virtual environment within virtualenv_root(). When NULL, the virtual environment as specified by the RETICULATE_PYTHON_ENV environment variable will be used instead.


The path to a Python interpreter, to be used with the created virtual environment. When NULL, the Python interpreter associated with the current session will be used.


A character vector with package names to install or remove.


Boolean; ignore previously-installed versions of the requested packages? (This should normally be TRUE, so that pre-installed packages available in the site libraries are ignored and hence packages are installed into the virtual environment.)


Optional arguments; currently ignored for future expansion.


Boolean; confirm before removing packages or virtual environments?


Virtual environments are by default located at ~/.virtualenvs (accessed with the virtualenv_root function). You can change the default location by defining defining the WORKON_HOME environment variable.

Virtual environment functions are not supported on Windows (the use of conda environments is recommended on Windows).