reutils (version 0.2.2)

content,ecitmatch-method: Extract the data content from an Entrez request


There are five ways to access data returned by an Entrez request: as a character string (as = "text"), as a textConnection (as = "textConnection"), as an XMLInternalDocument (as = "xml") or json object (as = "json") (depending on the retmode with which the request was performed), or parsed into a native R object, e.g. a list or a data.frame (as = "parsed").


"content"(x, as = "text")
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
"content"(x, as = NULL)
content(x, ...)
"content"(x, ...)


An eutil object.
Type of output: "text", "xml", "json", "textConnection", or "parsed". content attempts to figure out the most appropriate output type, based on the retmode of the object.
Further arguments passed on to methods.

Methods (by class)

  • ecitmatch: Return PubMed IDs if as = "parsed".
  • efetch:
  • egquery:
  • einfo:
  • elink:
  • epost:
  • esearch:
  • espell:
  • esummary:
  • eutil:

See Also

einfo, esearch, esummary, efetch, elink, epost, egquery, espell, ecitmatch.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## einfo() defaults to retmode 'xml'
# e <- einfo()
# ## automatically return data as an 'XMLInternalDocument'.
# if (e$no_errors()) {
#   content(e)
#   ## return the XML data as character string.
#   cat(content(e, "text"))
#   ## return DbNames parsed into a character vector.
#   content(e, "parsed")
# }
# ## return data as a JSON object
# e2 <- einfo(db = "gene", retmode = "json")
# if (e2$no_errors()) {
#   content(e2)
# }
# ## return a textConnection to allow linewise reading of the data.
# x <- efetch("CP000828", "nuccore", rettype = "gbwithparts", retmode = "text")
# con <- content(x, as = "textConnection")
# readLines(con, 2)
# close(con)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab