rgbif (version 1.0.2)

occ_download: Spin up a download request for GBIF occurrence data.


Spin up a download request for GBIF occurrence data.


occ_download(..., body = NULL, type = "and", user = NULL, pwd = NULL,
  email = NULL, curlopts = list())

occ_download_prep(..., body = NULL, type = "and", user = NULL, pwd = NULL, email = NULL, curlopts = list())



One or more of query arguments to kick of a download job. If you use this, don't use body parameter. See Details.


if you prefer to pass in the payload yourself, use this parameter. if use this, don't ass anythig to the dots. accepts either an R list, or JSON. JSON is likely easier, since the JSON library jsonlite requires that you unbox strings that shouldn't be auto-converted to arrays, which is a bit tedious for large queries. optional


(charcter) One of equals (=), and (&), or (|), lessThan (<), lessThanOrEquals (<=), greaterThan (>), greaterThanOrEquals (>=), in, within, not (!), like


(character) User name within GBIF's website. Required. See Details.


(character) User password within GBIF's website. Required. See Details.


(character) Email address to recieve download notice done email. Required. See Details.


list of named curl options passed on to HttpClient. see curl_options for curl options


  • occ_download_prep: prepares a download request, but DOES NOT execute it. meant for use with occ_download_queue()

  • occ_download: prepares a download request and DOES execute it


For user, pwd, and email parameters, you can set them in one of three ways:

  • Set them in your .Rprofile file with the names gbif_user, gbif_pwd, and gbif_email

  • Set them in your .Renviron/.bash_profile (or similar) file with the names GBIF_USER, GBIF_PWD, and GBIF_EMAIL

  • Simply pass strings to each of the parameters in the function call

We strongly recommend the second option - storing your details as environment variables as it's the most widely used way to store secrets.

See ?Startup for help.

Query length

GBIF has a limit of 12,000 characters for a download query. This means that you can have a pretty long query, but at some point it may lead to an error on GBIF's side and you'll have to split your query into a few.


Argument passed have to be passed as character (e.g., 'country = US'), with a space between key ('country'), operator ('='), and value ('US'). See the type parameter for possible options for the operator. This character string is parsed internally.

The value can be comma separated, in which case we'll turn that into a predicate combined with the OR operator, for example, "taxonKey = 2480946,5229208" will turn into

   "type": "or",
   "predicates": [
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "2480946"
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "5229208"

Acceptable arguments to ... are:

  • taxonKey = 'TAXON_KEY'

  • scientificName = 'SCIENTIFIC_NAME'

  • country = 'COUNTRY'

  • publishingCountry = 'PUBLISHING_COUNTRY'

  • hasCoordinate = 'HAS_COORDINATE'

  • hasGeospatialIssue = 'HAS_GEOSPATIAL_ISSUE'

  • typeStatus = 'TYPE_STATUS'

  • recordNumber = 'RECORD_NUMBER'

  • lastInterpreted = 'LAST_INTERPRETED'

  • continent = 'CONTINENT'

  • geometry = 'GEOMETRY'

  • basisOfRecord = 'BASIS_OF_RECORD'

  • datasetKey = 'DATASET_KEY'

  • eventDate = 'EVENT_DATE'

  • catalogNumber = 'CATALOG_NUMBER'

  • year = 'YEAR'

  • month = 'MONTH'

  • decimalLatitude = 'DECIMAL_LATITUDE'

  • decimalLongitude = 'DECIMAL_LONGITUDE'

  • elevation = 'ELEVATION'

  • depth = 'DEPTH'

  • institutionCode = 'INSTITUTION_CODE'

  • collectionCode = 'COLLECTION_CODE'

  • issue = 'ISSUE'

  • mediatype = 'MEDIA_TYPE'

  • recordedBy = 'RECORDED_BY'


See the API docs http://www.gbif.org/developer/occurrence#download for more info, and the predicates docs http://www.gbif.org/developer/occurrence#predicates


Run this code
# occ_download("basisOfRecord = LITERATURE")
# occ_download('taxonKey = 3119195')
# occ_download('decimalLatitude > 50')
# occ_download('elevation >= 9000')
# occ_download('decimalLatitude >= 65')
# occ_download("country = US")
# occ_download("institutionCode = TLMF")
# occ_download("catalogNumber = Bird.27847588")

# res <- occ_download('taxonKey = 7264332', 'hasCoordinate = TRUE')

# pass output directly, or later, to occ_download_meta for more information
# occ_download('decimalLatitude > 75') %>% occ_download_meta

# Multiple queries
# occ_download('decimalLatitude >= 65', 'decimalLatitude <= -65', type="or")
# gg <- occ_download('depth = 80', 'taxonKey = 2343454', type="or")

# complex example with many predicates
# shows example of how to do date ranges for both year and month
# res <- occ_download(
#  "taxonKey = 2480946,5229208",
#  "country = US",
#  "hasCoordinate = true",
#  "hasGeospatialIssue = false",
#  "year >= 1999",
#  "year <= 2011",
#  "month >= 3",
#  "month <= 8"
# )

# Using body parameter - pass in your own complete query
## as JSON
query1 <- '{"creator":"sckott",
# res <- occ_download(body = query1, curlopts=list(verbose=TRUE))

## as a list
query <- list(
  creator = unbox("sckott"),
  notification_address = "myrmecocystus@gmail.com",
  predicate = list(
    type = unbox("and"),
    predicates = list(
      list(type = unbox("equals"), key = unbox("TAXON_KEY"),
        value = unbox("7264332")),
      list(type = unbox("equals"), key = unbox("HAS_COORDINATE"),
        value = unbox("TRUE"))
# res <- occ_download(body = query, curlopts = list(verbose = TRUE))

# Prepared query
occ_download_prep("basisOfRecord = LITERATURE")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab