rgeos (version 0.6-4)

Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS')


Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS') using the C 'API' for topology operations on geometries. Please note that 'rgeos' will be retired during October 2023, plan transition to 'sf' or 'terra' functions using 'GEOS', or the 'geos' package, at your earliest convenience (see and earlier blogs for guidance). The 'GEOS' library is external to the package, and, when installing the package from source, must be correctly installed first. Windows and Mac Intel OS X binaries are provided on 'CRAN'. ('rgeos' >= 0.5-1): Up to and including 'GEOS' 3.7.1, topological operations succeeded with some invalid geometries for which the same operations fail from and including 'GEOS' 3.7.2. The 'checkValidity=' argument defaults and structure have been changed, from default FALSE to integer default '0L' for 'GEOS' < 3.7.2 (no check), '1L' 'GEOS' >= 3.7.2 (check and warn). A value of '2L' is also provided that may be used, assigned globally using 'set_RGEOS_CheckValidity(2L)', or locally using the 'checkValidity=2L' argument, to attempt zero-width buffer repair if invalid geometries are found. The previous default (FALSE, now '0L') is fastest and used for 'GEOS' < 3.7.2, but will not warn users of possible problems before the failure of topological operations that previously succeeded. From 'GEOS' 3.8.0, repair of geometries may also be attempted using 'gMakeValid()', which may, however, return a collection of geometries of different types.

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GPL (>= 2)


Last Published

July 18th, 2023

Functions in rgeos (0.6-4)