rgl (version 0.67-2)

plot3d: 3D Scatterplot


Draws a 3D scatterplot.


plot3d(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'default':
plot3d(x, y, z,  
	xlab, ylab, zlab, type = "p", col,  
	add = FALSE, aspect = !add, ...)
## S3 method for class 'qmesh3d':
plot3d(x, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", type = c("shade", "wire", "dots"),
	add = FALSE, ...)	
decorate3d(xlim, ylim, zlim, 
	xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", 
	box = TRUE, axes = TRUE, main = NULL, sub = NULL,
	top = TRUE, aspect = FALSE, ...)


x, y, z
vectors of points to be plotted. Any reasonable way of defining the coordinates is acceptable. See the function xyz.coords for details.
xlab, ylab, zlab
labels for the coordinates.
For the default method, a single character indicating the type of item to plot. Supported types are: 'p' for points, 'l' for lines, 'h' for line segments from z=0, and 'n' for nothing. For the qmesh3d method, one of 's
the colour to be used for plotted items.
whether to add the points to an existing plot.
either a logical indicating whether to adjust the aspect ratio, or a new ratio.
additional parameters which will be passed to par3d, material3d or decorate3d.
xlim, ylim, zlim
limits to use for the coordinates.
box, axes
whether to draw a box and axes.
main, sub
main title and subtitle.
whether to bring the window to the top when done.


  • plot3d is called for the side effect of drawing the plot; no useful value is returned. decorate3d adds the usual decorations to a plot: labels, axes, etc.


plot3d is a partial 3D analogue of plot.default.

Note that since rgl does not currently support clipping, all points will be plotted, and xlim, ylim, and zlim will only be used to increase the respective ranges.

Missing values in the data are not currently supported.

If aspect is TRUE, aspect ratios of c(1,1,1) are passed to aspect3d. If FALSE, no aspect adjustment is done. In other cases, the value is passed to aspect3d.

See Also

plot.default, open3d, par3d.


Run this code
  x <- sort(rnorm(1000))
  y <- rnorm(1000)
  z <- rnorm(1000) + atan2(x,y)
  plot3d(x, y, z, col=rainbow(1000), size=2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab