rglwidget (version 0.1.1402)

rglwidget-internal: rglwidget internals


These functions are planned to implement rgl functions, they are not meant to be called directly by the user.


.ageSetter(births, ages, colors = NULL, alpha = NULL, radii = NULL,
           vertices = NULL, normals = NULL, origins = NULL,
           texcoords = NULL, objids, prefixes = "", digits = 7,
           param = seq(floor(min(births)), ceiling(max(births))))

.par3dinterpSetter(fn, from, to, steps, subscene = NULL, omitConstant = TRUE, rename = character(), ...)

.propertySetter(values = NULL, entries, properties, objids, prefixes = "", param = seq_len(NROW(values)), interp = TRUE, digits = 7)

.vertexSetter(values = NULL, vertices = 1, attributes, objid, prefix = "", param = seq_len(NROW(values)), interp = TRUE, digits = 7)

.subsetSetter(subsets, subscenes = currentSubscene3d(), prefixes = "", fullset = Reduce(union, subsets), accumulate = FALSE)

.propertySlider(setter = .propertySetter, minS = NULL, maxS = NULL, step = 1, init = NULL, labels, id = basename(tempfile("input")), name = id, outputid = paste0(id, "text"), index = NULL, ...)


.hook_rgl(before, options, envir)

.hook_webgl(before, options, envir)

.writeWebGL(dir = "webGL", filename = file.path(dir, "index.html"), template = system.file(file.path("WebGL", "template.html"), package = "rgl"), prefix = "", snapshot = TRUE, commonParts = TRUE, reuse = NULL, font = "Arial", width = NULL, height = NULL)


births, ages, colors, alpha, radii, vertices, normals, origins, texcoords, objids, prefixes, digits, param, ceiling, fn, from, to, steps, subscene, omitConstant, rename, ..., values, entries, properties, interp, attributes,
See the corresponding rgl function (i.e. leave off the . prefix) for a description of the arguments.

See Also

ageSetter, par3dinterpSetter, propertySetter, vertexSetter