rite (version 0.3.4)

rite: rite


Open rite


rite(filename = NULL, catchOutput = FALSE, evalenv = .GlobalEnv, fontFamily = "Courier", fontSize = 10, orientation = "horizontal", fastinsert = FALSE, highlight = "r", color = NULL, autosave = TRUE, echo = TRUE, tab = ' ', comment = '#', url = NULL, ...)


Optionally, a character string specifying a file name in the working directory (or file path) to open in rite.
A logical specifying whether output and event handling (errors, warnings, messages, interrupts) should be sent to the rite output viewer panel rather than the R console. Default is FALSE.
The environment in which the script should be evaluated, e.g., .GlobalEnv. If NULL, the default is a hidden environment, internal to rite meaning that, e.g., variables created/modified in rite are not accessible via the console.
The font family used in rite. Default is “Courier”. Available fonts can be retrieved by .Tcl("font families").
The font size used in rite. Default is 10.
If catchOutput=TRUE, whether the output and error panels should be oriented “horizontal” (to the right) or “vertical” (below) the script editing panel. Default is “horizontal”.
A logical, specifying whether insertion (from opening a script, appending a script, or pasting a script) should be done “fast” (i.e., without running syntax highlighting. This can significantly improve load times but has the consequence of leaving added text unhighlighted unless modified. Default is FALSE.
A character vector containing one or more of “r”, “latex”, “markdown”, “xml”, “roxygen”, “brew”, and “rest” to indicate what should be higlighted in script. Default is “r”. Note that using more than a few of these simultaneously may cause unexpected highlighting.
Either NULL, or a named list specifying Tcl/Tk colors for highlighting. See details below.
A logical specifying whether the script should automatically be saved whenever any of the script is run. Default is TRUE. Note: if filename is NULL, the result is saved in the current R session's temporary directory and will be deleted when the R session terminates normally.
Whether the R calls should be copied to output during source (only when catchOutput=FALSE). Default is TRUE.
A character string indicating what text should be inserted when the key is pressed. Default is the \t character. Alternatively, a numeric value (e.g., 4) is treated as a number of spaces.
A character string indicating what text should be used for commenting. Default is the hash/pound character.
If filename=NULL, url is considered as the URL for a remote script to load.
Ignored by rite. Used by riteout to pass arguments to rite.

Syntax highlighting

rite supports syntax highlighting for R (by default) and, optionally, a number of other R-related languages LaTeX, R-flavored markdown, XML and HTML, roxygen, brew, and restructured text (reST). Functions and other objects from loaded packages are highlighted by default on-the-fly. By default, the following colors are used for syntax highlighting: Normal text (normal): “black” Editor background (background): “white” R functions (functions): “purple” (this applies to both base functions and those from packages loaded within rite) R comments (rcomments): “darkgreen” Operators (operators): “blue” Brackets (brackets): “darkblue” Digits (digits): “orange” Character strings (characters): “darkgray” LaTeX macros (latexmacros): “darkred” LaTeX equations (latexequations): “black” LaTeX comments (latexcomments): “red” Sweave/knitr code chunks (rnwchunks): “blue” Rtex code chunks (rtexchunks): “blue” Markdown (rmd): “darkred” Markdown code chunks (rmdchunks): “blue” XML/HTML tags (xml): “darkred” XML/HTML comments (xmlcomments): “red” Roxygen text (roxygentext): “black” Roxygen code chunks (roxygenchunks): “blue” Brew comments (brewcomments): “red” Brew chunks (brewchunks): “blue” Brew templates (brewtemplate): “black” reST chunks (restchunks): “blue” The use of highlighting in general can be regulated by the highlight parameter. To specify alternative specific colors for any of the above highlighting rules, the color parameter accepts a named list of content types (listed in parentheses above) and their corresponding colors (in quotes). For example, calling rite(color=list(rcomments='pink')), would open rite with R comments highlighted in pink but leave all other highlighting rules at their default settings.

Shortcut keys in widget

Key combinations : Open script : Save script as : Run/evaluate line (or selection, if applicable) : Run/evaluate line (or selection, if applicable) : Copy : Cut : Paste : Select all : Move cursor to end of current line : Adjust selection to end of current line : Find/replace : Go to line : Undo : Redo : Indent line : Indent line(s) : Unindent line : Toggle comment on/off for line(s) : Clear output panel and , , or drag left mouse: Adjust selection by character or : Adjust selection by word or : Move insertion cursor by paragraphs or : Adjust selection by paragraph Function keys : Open help for current function, if a known function (based on cursor position); or the results of help.search() : Open command completion context menu (based on cursor position). A right-button mouse click closes the context menu if no selection is desired (not necessary on all platforms). : Find : Try to parse the script and return any syntax errors (does not evaluate the script) : Run/evaluate all code Mouse shortcuts Left mouse click (1 time): Move cursor Left mouse click (2 times): Select word Left mouse click (3 times): Select line Right mouse click (1 time): Open context menu

Report generation with knitr

If catchOutput=TRUE (or rite is loaded with riteout), rite provides a number of report generation capabilities provided by knitr. Specifically, a “Report Generation” menu becomes available that includes the following options. By default, the available tools generate reports from the currently open script in rite, but all the tools can also be run on local files (which opens those files into rite). The general pattern of report generation behavior is to load the input file, display the output file in the riteout output tab, display any relevant processing information in the riteout message tab, and open the resulting output file (in the case of functions that produce PDFs or HTML files). The resulting output files can be saved using “Save Output” from the “Output” menu. The following tools are available: knit: Runs knit on the contents of the script panel and returns them in the output panel. Optionally, an R markdown (Rmd) file can be converted directly to HTML and opened. And, optionally, an Rnw file (for knitr or Sweave) can be converted directly to PDF and opened. Support for converting Sweave documents to knitr format can prevent compatibility issues between the two formats. purl: Runs purl on the contents of the script panel and returns them in the output panel. This is the knitr equivalent of Stangle, producing code-only output from the original document. Again, optionally, an Rnw file (for knitr or Sweave) can be converted directly to PDF and opened. Support for converting Sweave documents to knitr format can prevent compatibility issues between the two formats. stitch: Runs stitch on the contents of the script panel, embedding it into an LaTeX file (and opens the resulting PDF), markdown file (and opens the resulting HTML), or HTML file (and opens the resulting HTML), based on a simple template. This is helpful for converting an unformatted R script into a simple report. spin: Runs spin on the contents of the script panel, which should be a specially formatted roxygen-style script. The output is a knitr file, which can optionally be knit or simply displayed into the output tab. markdown: Convert an R markdown document to either a full HTML document or an HTML fragment (without header and body tags) to embed, e.g., in a blog post. LaTeX and XeLaTeX: Run LaTeX or XeLaTeX and, optionally, BibTex as a system call. knitr compiles LaTeX to PDF via DVI using the functionality supplied by the tools package, so these report generation tools provide functionality for .tex scripts that are not compatible with DVI.


Create, edit, and save R scripts (or any text-based file) and, optionally, sink output to an output viewer rather than the R console.

Scripts can be loaded, appended, referenced (via source) in the current script, and can be saved. As of rite version 0.3, scripts can also be saved to and loaded from anonymous GitHub gists to facilitate code sharing.

Scripts can be run by selection, line, or the entire contents of the script editor from the “Run” menu. Scripts can also be run from the context menu (via a right mouse click) or with or to run a selection or the current line. runs the entire script, whereas checks for parsing errors in the entire script without evaluating it (all code is parsed before running, automatically).

Command completion is now fully supported by pressing (a right mouse button click on the menu will close it if no selection is desired). If a function is complete and followed by an open parenetheses (e.g., data.frame(, the command completion keys bring up a selectable list named arguments for the function. If a dataframe or environment name is complete and followed by a dollar sign (e.g., mydf$), the command completion keys bring up a list of named elements in the dataframe or environment. also opens code chunk arguments after code chunk openings, argument formals after function names, and working directory files and directories after open quotes.

riteout is a wrapper for rite that defaults to catchOutput=TRUE, which provides access to various report generation tools, described in detail below.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # run the simple script editor
# rite()
# ## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# # run the script editor with output tools
# riteout()
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab