robust (version 0.4-18.2)

update.lmRob: Update an lmRob Model Object


A method for the generic update function for objects inheriting from class lmRob. See update for the general behavior of this function and for the interpretation of the arguments.


# S3 method for lmRob
update(object, formula., …, evaluate = TRUE)



an lmRob object.


a modeling formula, such as y ~ a + b. A single dot . on either side of the ~ gets replaced by the left or right side of the formula in object. The dot on the left can be omitted. By default, it refits object using the same formula as in object.


a logical value. If TRUE the updated call is evaluated and returned. Otherwise the unevaluated call is returned.

additional arguments passed to the generic update function.


either a new updated object, or else an unevaluated expression for creating such an object.


If formula. is missing, update.lmRob alternates between the initial estimates and final estimates. Otherwise (when formula. is present), update.lmRob functions just like update.default.

See Also

lmRob. update.