dim(Arno) # [1] 23 11 4
dim(Arno[,,1]) # [1] 23 11
rownames(Arno[,,1]) # the 23 distances from the spring
colnames(Arno[,,1]) # the 11 chemical compositions
dim(Arno[,1,]) # [1] 23 4
colnames(Arno[,1,]) # the four occasions
res <- Tucker3(Arno, robust=FALSE, ilr=TRUE)
## Distance-distance plot
plot(res, which="dd", main="Distance-distance plot")
## Paired component plot, mode A
plot(res, which="comp", main="Paired component plot (mode A)")
## Paired component plot, mode B
plot(res, which="comp", mode="B", main="Paired component plot (mode B)")
## Joint biplot
plot(res, which="jbplot", main="Joint biplot")
## Trajectory
plot(res, which="tjplot", main="Trajectory biplot")
# }
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