rstan (version 2.14.1)

as.array: Create array, matrix, or data.frame objects from samples in a stanfit object


The samples (without warmup) included in a stanfit object can be coerced to an array, matrix, or data.frame. Methods are also provided for checking and setting names and dimnames.


"as.array"(x, ...) "as.matrix"(x, ...) ""(x, ...) "is.array"(x) "dim"(x) "dimnames"(x) "names"(x) "names"(x) <- value


An object of S4 class stanfit.
Additional parameters that can be passed to extract for extracting samples from x. For now, pars is the only additional parameter supported.
For the names replacement method, a character vector to set/replace the parameter names in x.


as.array, as.matrix, and return an array, matrix, and data.frame, respectively.dim and dimnames return the dim and dimnames of the array object that could be created, while names returns the third element of the dimnames, which are the names of the margins of the posterior distribution. The names assignment method allows for assigning more interpretable names to returns TRUE for stanfit objects that include samples; otherwise FALSE.When the stanfit object does not contain samples, empty objects are returned from as.array, as.matrix,, dim, dimnames, and names.


as.array and as.matrix can be applied to a stanfit object to coerce the samples without warmup to array or matrix. The method first calls as.matrix and then coerces this matrix to a data.frame.

The array has three named dimensions: iterations, chains, parameters. For as.matrix, all chains are combined, leaving a matrix of iterations by parameters.

See Also

S4 class stanfit and its method extract