⚠️There's a newer version (2.0.0) of this package. Take me there.

rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data

R package for collecting Twitter data via Twitter's REST and stream API's.

Key features

  • Gather tweet data by searching search_tweets() past tweets or

by streaming stream_tweets() live tweets. Easily return data on thousands of tweets at a time.

  • Gather user data by looking up lookup_users() information

on specific Twitter users. Easily return data on thousands of users at a time.

  • Organized and easily translatable data formats. Functions return

data frames that are ready for data analysis the moment they are received.

  • Tweet data functions return not only text of tweets, but a host of

other variables, including the number of times a tweet has been retweeted (retweet_count) and favorited (favorite_count). To gauge user interactions, there are also seperate variables that identify replies by source tweet (in_reply_to_status_id_str) and by source user ID (in_reply_to_status_id_str). Variables also indicate whether the tweet quotes another tweet (is_quote_status), and, if so, the quoted tweet ID (quoted_status_id_str).


To get the current released version from CRAN:


To get the current development version from github:

if (packageVersion("devtools") < 1.6) {

Obtaining access tokens

  1. To create Twitter app(s) [and secure access to oauth tokens necessary for API queries]

visit http://apps.twitter.com/app/new 2. Enter information in Name, Description, Website, and Callback URL fields like example provided below. For Callback URL make sure to copy/paste the following: 3. Once the app is created, copy and paste consumer key and consumer secret key into the create_token() function (see demo below).

DescriptionTwitter follows and selective exposure
Callback URLhttp://

Using Tokens in R

Using the information obtained from obtaining access tokens above, generate a token via the create_token function.

Modify the code below by replacing appX_name with name of your application and xxxx... with the appropriate alpha-numeric keys associated with your app (see: 'obtaining access tokens').

If this is the first time running create_token for an app, a web browser will automatically pop up. Select yes/agree to authorize once for each app.


twitter_tokens <- c(
  create_token(app = "app1_name",
    consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"),
  create_token(app = "app2_name",
    consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"))

You can save your token(s) object anywhere, but it's important to know where you saved it. For that reason, I recommend saving your token(s) object in your home directory. To locate your home directory enter normalizePath("~/") into your R console. Save the token(s) object like this:

home_directory <- normalizePath("~/")

file_name <- paste0(home_directory, "/", "twitter_tokens")

save(twitter_tokens, file = file_name)

To create an environmental variable to access your token(s) later on (a best practice recommended by Hadley), open a new plain text document. You can do this in any text editor like TextEdit or Notepad. Or, if you're using Rstudio, (File > New File > Text File).

In the blank plain text document, type the text below where blahblahblahblahblahblah is the path to wherever you've saved the token(s). On my mac, for example, it looks like this: TWITTER_PAT=/Users/mwk/twitter_tokens. Make sure the last line of the document is left empty, otherwise R won't read the file.


Save the file to your home directory, which, again, you can find by entering normalizePath("~/") in the R console.


Restart R so it can process your environment variable on startup and then call the get_tokens function.


tokens <- get_tokens()

elect16 <- search_tweets(q = "election2016", count = 500, token = tokens[[1]])

Or, more conveniently, if you followed the steps above correctly, you don't have to load your tokens at all. The rtweet functions will fetch your tokens for you!


elect16 <- search_tweets(q = "election2016", count = 500)

Package description

More technical description: An implementation of calls designed to extract and organize Twitter data via Twitter's REST and stream API's. Functions formulate GET and POST requests and convert response objects to more user friendly structures, e.g., data frames or lists. Specific consideration is given to functions designed to return tweets, friends, and followers.


Email me at mkearney@ku.edu

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Last Published

August 7th, 2016

Functions in rtweet (0.1.4)