rtweet (version 0.3.6)

save_as_csv: save_as_csv


Converts and saves data table generated from rtweet package as csv file(s).


save_as_csv(x, file_name)



Data table to be saved (tweets or user object) generated via rtweet function like search_tweets. If x is a list object containing both tweets and users data (which is currently the output for many of the rtweet functions), then a CSV file is created and saved for each object using the file_name provided as a base--e.g, if x is a list object from search_tweets with file_name = "election", this function will save both the tweets data ("election.tweets.csv") and the user data ("election.users.csv"). If not included in file_name, the ".csv" extension will be added when writing file to disk.


Path/file name where object(s) is to be saved. If object includes both tweets and users data then provided file_name will be used as base for the two saved files. For example, file_name = "election" would save files as "election.tweets.csv" and "election.users.csv".