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rtweet (version 0.7.0)

get_retweets: Get the most recent retweets of a specific Twitter status


Returns a collection of the 100 most recent retweets of a given status. NOTE: Twitter's API is currently limited to 100 or fewer retweeters.


get_retweets(status_id, n = 100, parse = TRUE, token = NULL, ...)


Tweets data of the most recent retweets of a given status



required The numerical ID of the desired status.


optional Specifies the number of records to retrieve. Must be less than or equal to 100.


Logical indicating whether to convert the response object into an R list. Defaults to TRUE.


Every user should have their own Oauth (Twitter API) token. By default token = NULL this function looks for the path to a saved Twitter token via environment variables (which is what `create_token()` sets up by default during initial token creation). For instruction on how to create a Twitter token see the tokens vignette, i.e., `vignettes("auth", "rtweet")` or see ?tokens.


Other arguments used as parameters in the query sent to Twitter's rest API, for example, trim_user = TRUE.


NOTE: Twitter's API is currently limited to 100 or fewer retweeters.

See Also

Other retweets: get_retweeters()