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rtweet (version 0.7.0)

lat_lng: Adds single-point latitude and longitude variables to tweets data.


Appends parsed Twitter data with latitude and longitude variables using all available geolocation information.


lat_lng(x, coords = c("coords_coords", "bbox_coords", "geo_coords"))


Returns updated data object with full information latitude and longitude vars.



Parsed Twitter data as returned by various rtweet functions. This should be a data frame with variables such as "bbox_coords", "coords_coords", and "geo_coords" (among other non-geolocation Twitter variables).


Names of variables containing latitude and longitude coordinates. Priority is given to bounding box coordinates (each obs consists of eight entries) followed by the supplied order of variable names. Defaults to "bbox_coords", "coords_coords", and "geo_coords") (which are the default column names of data returned by most status-oriented rtweet functions).


On occasion values may appear to be outliers given a previously used query filter (e.g., when searching for tweets sent from the continental US). This is typically because those tweets returned a large bounding box that overlapped with the area of interest. This function converts boxes into their geographical midpoints, which works well in the vast majority of cases, but sometimes includes an otherwise puzzling result.

See Also

Other geo: lookup_coords()


Run this code

if (FALSE) {

## stream tweets sent from the US
rt <- stream_tweets(lookup_coords("usa"), timeout = 10)

## use lat_lng to recover full information geolocation data
rtll <- lat_lng(rt)

## plot points
with(rtll, plot(lng, lat))


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab