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rtweet (version 0.7.0)

lists_members: Get Twitter list members (users on a given list).


Get Twitter list members (users on a given list).

Get Twitter list memberships (lists containing a given user)


  list_id = NULL,
  slug = NULL,
  owner_user = NULL,
  n = 5000,
  cursor = "-1",
  token = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,

lists_memberships( user = NULL, n = 200, cursor = "-1", filter_to_owned_lists = FALSE, token = NULL, parse = TRUE, previous_cursor = NULL )


Either a nested list (if parsed) or an HTTP response object.



required The numerical id of the list.


required You can identify a list by its slug instead of its numerical id. If you decide to do so, note that you'll also have to specify the list owner using the owner_id or owner_user parameters.


optional The screen name or user ID of the user who owns the list being requested by a slug.


Specifies the number of results to return per page (see cursor below). For `list_memberships()`, the default and max is 200 per page. Twitter technically allows up to 1,000 per page, but above 200 frequently results in an over capacity error. For `lists_members()`, the default, and max number of users per list, is 5,000.


optional Breaks the results into pages. Provide a value of -1 to begin paging. Provide values as returned in the response body's next_cursor and previous_cursor attributes to page back and forth in the list.


Every user should have their own Oauth (Twitter API) token. By default token = NULL this function looks for the path to a saved Twitter token via environment variables (which is what `create_token()` sets up by default during initial token creation). For instruction on how to create a Twitter token see the tokens vignette, i.e., `vignettes("auth", "rtweet")` or see ?tokens.


Logical indicating whether to convert the response object into an R list. Defaults to TRUE.


Other arguments used as parameters in query composition.


The user id or screen_name of the user for whom to return results for.


When set to true . t or 1 , will return just lists the authenticating user owns, and the user represented by user_id or screen_name is a member of.


If you wish to use previous cursor instead of next, input value here to override next cursor.


Due to deleted or removed lists, the returned number of memberships is often less than the provided n value. This is a reflection of the API and not a unique quirk of rtweet.

See Also

Other lists: lists_statuses(), lists_subscribers(), lists_subscriptions(), lists_users()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

## get list members for a list of polling experts using list_id
(pollsters <- lists_members("105140588"))

## get list members of cspan's senators list
sens <- lists_members(slug = "senators", owner_user = "cspan")

## get list members for an rstats list using list topic slug
## list owner's screen name
rstats <- lists_members(slug = "rstats", owner_user = "scultrera")


if (FALSE) {

## get up to 1000 Twitter lists that include Nate Silver
ns538 <- lists_memberships("NateSilver538", n = 1000)

## view data


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab