rv (version 2.3.4)

summaries: Random Vector Summaries


rvsummary is a class of objects that hold the summary information on each scalar component of a random variable (quantiles, mean, sd, number of simulations etc.)


as.rvsummary(x, ...)


# S3 method for data.frame as.rvsummary(x, quantiles = rvpar("summary.quantiles.numeric"), ...)

# S3 method for rvsummary_rvfactor print(x, all.levels = FALSE, ...)



object to be coerced or tested

further arguments passed to or from other methods.


quantiles to calculate and store in the object


logical; whether to print all levels or not (see below for details)


An object of class rvsummary and of subclass rvsummary_numeric, rvsummary_integer, rvsummary_logical, or rvsummary_rvfactor.


The rvsummary class provides a means to store a concise representation of the marginal posterior distributions of the vector components. By default, the 201 quantiles

 0, 0.005, 0.01,
0.015, ..., 0.990, 0.995, 1 

are saved for each vector component in an rvsummary object.

is.rvsummary tests whether the object is an rvsummary object; as.rvsummary coerces a random vector object to a rvsummary object.

as.data.frame is another way to obtain the data frame that is produced by the summary method.

A data frame that has the format of an rv summary can be coerced into an rvsummary; if quantiles are not specified within the data frame, quantiles from the Normal distribution are filled in, if the mean and s.d. are given.

Therefore, the following (generic) functions work with rvsummary objects: rvmean, rvsd, rvvar, rvquantile, rnsims, sims, and consequently any `rv-only' function that depends only on these functions will work; e.g. is.constant, which depends only on rvnsims.

The method is.double is provided for compatibility reasons; this is needed in a function called by plot.rvsummary

The arithmetic operators and mathematical functions will not work with rvsummary objects.

The sims method returns the quantiles.


Kerman, J. and Gelman, A. (2007). Manipulating and Summarizing Posterior Simulations Using Random Variable Objects. Statistics and Computing 17:3, 235-244.

See also vignette("rv").

See Also



Run this code
  x <- rvnorm(mean=1:12)
  sx <- as.rvsummary(x)
  print(sx)          # prints the summary of the rvsummary object
  length(sx)         # 12
  dim(sx)            # NULL
  dim(sx) <- c(3,4)  #   
  dimnames(sx) <- list(1:3, 1:4)
  names(sx) <- 1:12  # 
  print(sx)          # prints the names and dimnames as well  

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab