scriptests (version 1.0-16) Design considerations for package scriptests


Design considerations for package scriptests. This file is a poorly organized collection of notes regarding the design and evolution of the scriptests package.


Comparisons to previous scriptests designs

The functionality that this design gives up over previous designs is immediate checking of test output. Instead test output is checked after all tests are run. This is because of the difficulty of controlling the execution order of different test files -- it's hard to create pairs of test/check files that will run in the correct order (order of execution depends on the order of files in the value of dir). The functionality that this design retains from previous designs (and from the native testing framework in R) is that each file of R commands to be checked in run in a new R session. This means that commands in one test file cannot mess up another test file. It also means that the testing framework doesn't need to mess around with trying to capture output. There are several possible methods that could be used to check output immediately after running each test:
  1. prepend each .R file with a function that checks output of all previously run tests (skipping ones already done).
  2. append to each .R file a call to a function that flushes stdout (flush(stdout())) and checks tests output.
  3. define a .Last() function (will be called by q()) that checks test output.
Hangup with the above approach: it's not possible to have output from the runs go to stdout -- because all the output from running a .R file is redirected to the corresponding .Rout file. Alternate approach: a setup file calls my own version of .runPackageTests(), which then executes an R session for each .R file. Still have the problem of not getting any output to the console. Can solve this by by-passing R CMD BATCH, and just invoking R more directly.

Original scriptests design based on Makefiles

An initial design changed the default goal by assigning .DEFAULT\_GOAL in tests/Makefile. This works with GNU make version 3.81, which is standard in Ubuntu Linux. However, the Rtools set of programs for Windows includes GNU make version 3.79, which does not appear to recognize the .DEFAULT\_GOAL special variable. Additionally, version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08) of "R Installation and Administration" specifically says that GNU make version 3.81 does not work to compile under Windows. Furthermore, Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger) includes GNU make version 3.80, which also does not appear to recognize the .DEFAULT\_GOAL special variable. Consequently, a different approach to getting R CMD check to run additional tests is needed. The approach implemented as of version 0.1-6 (March 2009) is to use a "%" target in the makefile (which is always called), with an action in the body of the rule that invokes a 'make' recursively with the desired target (here all-Rt). describes 'force targets'. Here's the relevant section from scriptests/inst/scripts/Makefile.sub:
# Use 'force' to effectively create another target, by calling
# make recursively with the target 'all-Rt'.
# Based on code at
# but with more levels of protection to avoid calling make with
# the target 'all-Rt' more than once, because this makefile is
# read many times.  Condition on DONEFORCE being not defined
# to avoid infinite recursion.
ifeq ($(strip $(DONEFORCE)),) @(if [ ! -f forceonce ] ; then \
        $(MAKE) -f $(R_SHARE_DIR)/make/$(RSHAREMAKEFILE) $(makevars) -f $(MAINTESTMAKE) DONEFORCE=TRUE all-Rt ; \
        fi )
        @touch forceonce force: ;
The various 'make' variables used here are defined in ...

Not used: A Makefile framework that modifies Makevars to create a goal, and also uses a dummy .R file

This makefile does two things to try to create a goal: (1) it edits Makevars to insert an extra goal; and (2) it uses a specific rule for a allrt.Rin to allrt.R to run a sub-make (the rule is written to Makevars). Both of these approaches should work, but the whole thing does not seem to work reliably. In any case, the sub-make can be called directly from the "force" block instead of using the force block to create a rule that calls the sub-make. This code is preserved here because it uses a number of techniques that might come in handy somewhere else. This framework uses three files in the tests directory: Makefile, and allrt.Rin. Makefile:
# Redefine the default goal (a GNU make feature) so that we
# have the Rt tests as subgoals.
# Note that the default goal can contain only one target.
# .DEFAULT_GOAL := all+Rt ifeq ($(strip $(RSHAREMAKEFILE)),)
endif # Need MAINTESTMAKE so that when we edit Makevars we can set $makevars
# to include the same makefile as R CMD check uses (which, under Windows,
# is if it exists)
ifeq ($(strip $(MAINTESTMAKE)),)
endif # Define ScripTestsErrorAction to be 'continue' or 'stop'.
# This controls what happens running under R CMD check
# when there are errors in one of the Rt tests.
ScripTestsErrorAction=stop # Under Unix-likes we want to run R like this:
#    @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R) ... arguments ...
# while under Windows we want to run R like this:
#    $(R) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) ... arguments ...
# So, always run R like this: $(R_PRE) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R_POST)
# with appropriate definitions for R_PRE and R_POST.
# If we are running under Windows, we will have already executed
#, which will have defined R_PRE=$(R) .
ifeq ($(strip $(R_PRE)),)
  # Unix-like
endif # If we do want to change the RDIFF command, should include
# 'changeRdiff' as the second dependency for all+Rt
all+Rt: createScripts all rt-tests ScripTests.summary
all-Rt: createScripts rt-tests ScripTests.summary
        @echo doing all-Rt allrt := $(wildcard *.Rt)
# allrtwant := $(allrt:.Rt=.Rout.want)
# allrtout := $(allrt:.Rt=.Rout)
allrtres := $(allrt:.Rt=.Rtres)
# allrtin := $(allrt:.Rt=.R) @(if [ ! -f forceonce ] ; then \
        echo Modifying Makevars for rttests ; \
        sed -i 's/test-src-1 =/test-src-1 = all-Rt/' Makevars ; \
        sed -i "s/makevars =/makevars = -f $(MAINTESTMAKE)/" Makevars ; \
        fi )
        @(if [ ! -f forceonce ] ; then echo 'allrt.R: 
        echo '  @echo Using special rule $$@ to run all tests ... ' ; \
        echo '  $$(MAKE) -f $$(R_SHARE_DIR)/make/ $$(makevars) all-Rt' ; \
        echo '  @echo 1+1 > $$@' ; fi ) >> Makevars
        @touch forceonce force: ; # Don't need this unless we want standard .R/ tests
# to use the modified RDIFF (not the ones run here - they use
# the commands in the .Rout.Rtres rule) changeRdiff:
        @echo Changing Rdiff in Makevars
        echo RDIFF = echo hehehe >> Makevars # Create scripts we will need (do this here to minimize the
# number of files needed to support scriptests in a package.)
        @( echo '## Run a script in the scriptests/scripts (from scriptests/inst/scripts)' ; \
        echo '## This file does not have .R suffix because if it did, R CMD check would want to run it as a test' ; \
        echo 'library(package="scriptests", char=TRUE)' ; \
        echo 'args <- commandArgs(TRUE)' ; \
        echo 'debug <- is.element("--debug", args)' ; \
        echo 'if (length(args)>0) {' ; \
        echo '    script.path <- system.file(package="scriptests", "scripts")' ; \
        echo '    if (debug) {' ; \
        echo '        cat("RtTestScript called with ", length(args), " args: ", paste("\"", args, "\"", collapse=", ", sep=""), "\n", sep="")' ; \
        echo '        cat("Looking for scripts in \"", script.path, "\"\n", sep="")' ; \
        echo '    }' ; \
        echo '    source(file.path(script.path, args[1]))' ; \
        echo '}' ) > RunScripTestsScript # Don't need the following because we can run and check the tests
# with out needing a sub-make.  If we do use a sub-make, then we
# need to put rules used in 'Makevars'.
#       echo .SUFFIXES: .R .Rin .Rout .Rt >> Makevars
#       echo .Rt.R: >> Makevars
#       echo '  echo Creating $$@ from $$<'>> Makevars
#       echo '  sed -n "s/^[>+] //p" $$< > $$@' >> Makevars
#       echo '  cat $$< > $$' >> Makevars #  This suffix list and rule for .Rt.R needs to go in Makevars .SUFFIXES: .R .Rin .Rout .Rt .Rtres # Files:
#   .Rt: a transcript, with both commands and desired output, & possibly directives
#   .R: R commands generated from .Rt
#   .Rout.want: desired transcript output generated from .Rt (maybe don't need this)
# the processed Rt script as an R object
#   .Rout: the output from R when given the commands in .R
#   .Rtres: summary of results from comparing .Rout and .Rout.want .Rt.R:
        @echo '**' Creating $@ and $@out.want from $<
        $(R_PRE) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R_POST) $(R_OPTS) --vanilla --slave --args prepin.R $< $@ $@out.want $<.save <="" runscriptestsscript="" #="" preserve="" intermediate="" .r="" and="" .rout="" files="" -="" the="" user="" might="" want="" to="" inspect="" them="" (the="" file="" see="" exactly="" what="" r="" commands="" were,="" output="" was="" actually="" produced)="" .precious:="" diff="" need="" have="" r_libs="" &="" round="" other="" way="" for="" windows="" .rout.rtres:="" @echo="" '**'="" creating="" $@="" from="" $<="" $<.want="" $(r_pre)="" @r_libs="$(R_LIBS)" $(r_post)="" $(r_opts)="" --vanilla="" --slave="" --args="" diffout.r="" $(@:rtres="" rt-tests:="" $(allrtres)="" method="" using="" a="" 'make'="" sub="" process="" run="" tests="" (will="" use="" chained="" rule="" x.rout:="" x.rt=""> X.R -> X.Rout if we put the rule .Rt.R in Makevars
# (needs to go there because this Makefile is not read by the sub-make).
        echo Making target rt-tests
        (out=`echo *.Rt | sed 's/\.Rt\( \|$\)/.Rout /g'`; \
          if test -n "$${out}"; then \
            $(MAKE) -f $(R_SHARE_DIR)/make/$(RSHAREMAKEFILE) $(makevars) $${out}; \
          fi) ScripTests.summary: $(allrtres)
        @echo '**' Creating summary of tests in $@
        $(R_PRE) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R_POST) $(R_OPTS) --vanilla --slave --args summary.R $@ $(allrtres) < RunScripTestsScript
        @(if [ "$(ScripTestsErrorAction)" = stop -a -f ScripTests.haserrors ] ; then \
            echo "Stopping because tests had errors and ScripTestsErrorAction=stop in Makefile" ; \
            exit 1 ; \
# R_SHARE_DIR is defined when running under Linux, but not Windows...
# Under Windows we want to run R like this: $(R) R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS)
# Seems that don't need this anymore, at least as of R 2.6.1
# R_PRE=$(R)
include Makefile
cat("1\n", file="allrt.R")

A Makefile framework using .DEFAULT\_GOAL

This framework requires two files in the tests directory: Makefile and Note that some of the code in here is unnecessary (e.g., the R\_PRE and R\_POST stuff -- this was used to put VAR=VALUE before or after the name of the R program on a command line depending on whether Windows or Unix was being used. Makefile:
# Redefine the default goal (a GNU make feature) so that we
# have the Rt tests as subgoals.
# Note that the default goal can contain only one target.
.DEFAULT_GOAL := all+Rt ifeq ($(strip $(RSHAREMAKEFILE)),)
endif # Define ScripTestsErrorAction to be 'continue' or 'stop'.
# This controls what happens running under R CMD check
# when there are errors in one of the Rt tests.
ScripTestsErrorAction=stop # Under Unix-likes we want to run R like this:
#    @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R) ... arguments ...
# while under Windows we want to run R like this:
#    $(R) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) ... arguments ...
# So, always run R like this: $(R_PRE) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R_POST)
# with appropriate definitions for R_PRE and R_POST.
# If we are running under Windows, we will have already executed
#, which will have defined R_PRE=$(R) .
ifeq ($(strip $(R_PRE)),)
  # Unix-like
endif # If we do want to change the RDIFF command, should include
# 'changeRdiff' as the second dependency for all+Rt
all+Rt: createScripts all rt-tests ScripTests.summary allrt := $(wildcard *.Rt)
allrtwant := $(allrt:.Rt=.Rout.want)
allrtout := $(allrt:.Rt=.Rout)
allrtres := $(allrt:.Rt=.Rtres)
# allrtin := $(allrt:.Rt=.R) # Don't need this unless we want standard .R/ tests
# to use the modified RDIFF (not the ones run here - they use
# the commands in the .Rout.Rtres rule) changeRdiff:
        @echo Changing Rdiff in Makevars
        echo RDIFF = echo hehehe >> Makevars # Create scripts we will need (do this here to minimize the
# number of files needed to support scriptests in a package.)
        @( echo '## Run a script in the scriptests/scripts (from scriptests/inst/scripts)' ; \
        echo '## This file does not have .R suffix because if it did, R CMD check would want to run it as a test' ; \
        echo 'library(package="scriptests", char=TRUE)' ; \
        echo 'args <- commandArgs(TRUE)' ; \
        echo 'debug <- is.element("--debug", args)' ; \
        echo 'if (length(args)>0) {' ; \
        echo '    script.path <- system.file(package="scriptests", "scripts")' ; \
        echo '    if (debug) {' ; \
        echo '        cat("RtTestScript called with ", length(args), " args: ", paste("\"", args, "\"", collapse=", ", sep=""), "\n", sep="")' ; \
        echo '        cat("Looking for scripts in \"", script.path, "\"\n", sep="")' ; \
        echo '    }' ; \
        echo '    source(file.path(script.path, args[1]))' ; \
        echo '}' ) > RunScripTestsScript # Don't need the following because we can run and check the tests
# with out needing a sub-make.  If we do use a sub-make, then we
# need to put rules used in 'Makevars'.
#       echo .SUFFIXES: .R .Rin .Rout .Rt >> Makevars
#       echo .Rt.R: >> Makevars
#       echo '  echo Creating $$@ from $$<'>> Makevars
#       echo '  sed -n "s/^[>+] //p" $$< > $$@' >> Makevars
#       echo '  cat $$< > $$' >> Makevars #  This suffix list and rule for .Rt.R needs to go in Makevars .SUFFIXES: .R .Rin .Rout .Rt .Rtres # Files:
#   .Rt: a transcript, with both commands and desired output, & possibly directives
#   .R: R commands generated from .Rt
#   .Rout.want: desired transcript output generated from .Rt (maybe don't need this)
# the processed Rt script as an R object
#   .Rout: the output from R when given the commands in .R
#   .Rtres: summary of results from comparing .Rout and .Rout.want .Rt.R:
        @echo '**' Creating $@ and $@out.want from $<
        $(R_PRE) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R_POST) $(R_OPTS) --vanilla --slave --args prepin.R $< $@ $@out.want $<.save <="" runscriptestsscript="" #="" preserve="" intermediate="" .r="" and="" .rout="" files="" -="" the="" user="" might="" want="" to="" inspect="" them="" (the="" file="" see="" exactly="" what="" r="" commands="" were,="" output="" was="" actually="" produced)="" .precious:="" diff="" need="" have="" r_libs="" &="" round="" other="" way="" for="" windows="" .rout.rtres:="" @echo="" '**'="" creating="" $@="" from="" $<="" $<.want="" $(r_pre)="" @r_libs="$(R_LIBS)" $(r_post)="" $(r_opts)="" --vanilla="" --slave="" --args="" diffout.r="" $(@:rtres="" rt-tests:="" $(allrtres)="" method="" using="" a="" 'make'="" sub="" process="" run="" tests="" (will="" use="" chained="" rule="" x.rout:="" x.rt=""> X.R -> X.Rout if we put the rule .Rt.R in Makevars
# (needs to go there because this Makefile is not read by the sub-make).
        echo Making target rt-tests
        (out=`echo *.Rt | sed 's/\.Rt\( \|$\)/.Rout /g'`; \
          if test -n "$${out}"; then \
            $(MAKE) -f $(R_SHARE_DIR)/make/$(RSHAREMAKEFILE) $(makevars) $${out}; \
          fi) ScripTests.summary: $(allrtres)
        @echo '**' Creating summary of tests in $@
        $(R_PRE) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS) $(R_POST) $(R_OPTS) --vanilla --slave --args summary.R $@ $(allrtres) < RunScripTestsScript
        @(if [ "$(ScripTestsErrorAction)" = stop -a -f ScripTests.haserrors ] ; then \
            echo "Stopping because tests had errors and ScripTests ErrorAction=stop in Makefile" ; \
            exit 1 ; \
# Under Windows we want to run R like this: $(R) @R_LIBS=$(R_LIBS)
include Makefile


"R CMD check" is (as of R-2.9.0) an R script src/scripts/, which invokes R with the command tools:::.runPackageTestsR($extra) to run tests. If this R session returns non-zero, the check process stops with an error, outputting 13 lines from the first .fail file found (if one exists).

tools:::.runPackageTestsR($extra) invokes R CMD BATCH to run each .R file. This is where the non-overrideable redirection of stderr to .Rout happens.

New design for scriptests to work with R-2.9.0 in which "R CMD check" no longer uses Makefiles in tests directory.

  • All transcript files are stored in the tests directory with the file extension .Rt.

  • There should be a file called runtests.Rin, which should contain the following two lines:
  • When runScripTests() runs, it will create a .R file with the commands extracted from each .Rt file. It will then run each .R file in a separate R session, save the output in a .Rout file, and compare the output with the .Rt file. runScripTests will leave a summary in the file test-summary.txt. If there are errors, the summary will be duplicated in the file (the presence of a file ending in .fail signals an error to "R CMD check".)