sdcTable (version 0.20.5)

attack: attacking primary suppressed cells and calculating current lower and upper bounds


Function attack is used to calculate lower and upper bounds for a given sdcProblem (stored as object of class sdcProblem-class). For all calculations the current suppression pattern is used when calculating solutions of the attacker's problem.


attack(object, verbose = FALSE)


an object of class sdcProblem-class
a logical vector specifying if output should be verbose (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


  • a data.frame with column 'index' holding indices of primary suppressed cells and columns 'bounds_min' and 'bounds_max' featuring calculated lower and upper bounds for each cell. Column 'protected' shows if a given cell is accordingly protected (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


Run this code
# load problem (as it was created after performing primary suppression
# in the example of \\code{\\link{primarySuppression}})
sp <- searchpaths()
fn <- paste(sp[grep("sdcTable", sp)], "/data/problemWithSupps.RData", sep="")
problem <- get(load(fn))

# calculate current lower|upper bounds given current suppression pattern
# (in this case consisting of primary suppressions only)
attack(problem, verbose=FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab