sdcTable (version 0.20.5)

get.safeObj: query safeObj-objects depending on argument type


query safeObj-objects depending on argument type


get.safeObj(object, type, input)


an object of class safeObj
a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:
a list depending on argument type.


  • information from object depending on type
    • an object of classdimInfo(or NULL) if type matches 'dimInfo'
    • a numeric vector if type matches 'elapsedTime', 'nrNonDuplicatedCells', 'nrPrimSupps', 'nrSecondSupps', 'nrPublishableCells' or 'cellID'
    • a character vector if type matches 'suppMethod'
    • a data.frame if type matches 'finalData'
    • a list if type matches 'cellInfo' containing the following elements:
      • element 'cellID': numeric vector of length 1 specifying the index of the cell of interest
      • element 'data': row of slot 'finalData' with the row being defined by the calculatedcellID
      • element 'primSupp': logical vector of length 1 being TRUE if cell is a primary suppressed cell
      • element 'secondSupps': logical vector of length 1 being TRUE if cell is a secondary suppressed cell