sdcTable (version 0.20.5)

safeObj-class: S4 class describing a safeObj-object


Objects of class safeObj are the final result after protection a tabular structure. After a successful run of protectTable an object of this class is generated and returned. Objects of class safeObj contain a final, complete data set (slot finalData) that has a column showing the anonymization state of each cell and the complete information on the dimensional variables that have defined the table that has been protected (slot dimInfo). Also, the number of non-duplicated table cells (slot nrNonDuplicatedCells) is returned along with the number of primary (slot nrPrimSupps) and secondary (slot nrSecondSupps) suppressions. Furthermore, the number of cells that can be published (slot nrPublishableCells), the algorithm that has been used to protect the data (slot suppMethod) and the time that was needed to protect the data structure (slot elapsedTime) is returned.



[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]