sem (version 3.1-15)

residuals.sem: Residual Covariances for a Structural Equation Model


These functions compute residual covariances, variance-standardized residual covariances, and normalized residual covariances for the observed variables in a structural-equation model fit by sem.


# S3 method for sem
residuals(object, ...)
# S3 method for msem
residuals(object, ...)

# S3 method for sem standardizedResiduals(object, ...) # S3 method for msem standardizedResiduals(object, ...)

# S3 method for objectiveML normalizedResiduals(object, ...) # S3 method for objectiveGLS normalizedResiduals(object, ...) # S3 method for msemObjectiveML normalizedResiduals(object, ...)



an object inheriting from class sem or msem returned by the sem function.


not for the user.


Each function returns a matrix of residuals.


Residuals are defined as \(S - C\), where \(S\) is the sample covariance matrix of the observed variables and \(C\) is the model-reproduced covariance matrix. The standardized residual covariance for a pair of variables divides the residual covariance by the product of the sample standard deviations of the two variables, \((s_{ij} - c_{ij})/(s_{ii}s_{jj})^{1/2}\). The normalized residual is given by $$\frac{s_{ij}-c_{ij}} {[(c_{ii}c_{jj}-c_{ij}^2)/N^{*}]^{1/2}}$$ where \(N^{*}\) is the number of observations minus one if the model is fit to a covariance matrix, or the number of observations if it is fit to a raw moment matrix.


Bollen, K. A. (1989) Structural Equations With Latent Variables. Wiley.

See Also



Run this code
# In the first example, readMoments() and specifyModel() read from the
# input stream. This example cannot be executed via example() but can be entered
# at the command prompt. The example is repeated using file input;
# this example can be executed via example(). 
# }
# Duncan, Haller, and Portes peer-influences model

R.DHP <- readMoments(diag=FALSE, names=c("ROccAsp", "REdAsp", "FOccAsp", 
                "FEdAsp", "RParAsp", "RIQ", "RSES", "FSES", "FIQ", "FParAsp"))
    .3269  .3669       
    .4216  .3275  .6404
    .2137  .2742  .1124  .0839
    .4105  .4043  .2903  .2598  .1839
    .3240  .4047  .3054  .2786  .0489  .2220
    .2930  .2407  .4105  .3607  .0186  .1861  .2707
    .2995  .2863  .5191  .5007  .0782  .3355  .2302  .2950
    .0760  .0702  .2784  .1988  .1147  .1021  .0931 -.0438  .2087
model.dhp <- specifyModel()
    RParAsp  -> RGenAsp, gam11,  NA
    RIQ      -> RGenAsp, gam12,  NA
    RSES     -> RGenAsp, gam13,  NA
    FSES     -> RGenAsp, gam14,  NA
    RSES     -> FGenAsp, gam23,  NA
    FSES     -> FGenAsp, gam24,  NA
    FIQ      -> FGenAsp, gam25,  NA
    FParAsp  -> FGenAsp, gam26,  NA
    FGenAsp  -> RGenAsp, beta12, NA
    RGenAsp  -> FGenAsp, beta21, NA
    RGenAsp  -> ROccAsp,  NA,     1
    RGenAsp  -> REdAsp,  lam21,  NA
    FGenAsp  -> FOccAsp,  NA,     1
    FGenAsp  -> FEdAsp,  lam42,  NA
    RGenAsp <-> RGenAsp, ps11,   NA
    FGenAsp <-> FGenAsp, ps22,   NA
    RGenAsp <-> FGenAsp, ps12,   NA
    ROccAsp <-> ROccAsp, theta1, NA
    REdAsp  <-> REdAsp,  theta2, NA
    FOccAsp <-> FOccAsp, theta3, NA
    FEdAsp  <-> FEdAsp,  theta4, NA

sem.dhp <- sem(model.dhp, R.DHP, 329,
    fixed.x=c('RParAsp', 'RIQ', 'RSES', 'FSES', 'FIQ', 'FParAsp'))
standardizedResiduals(sem.dhp) # same as residuals because model is fit to correlations
# }
# The following example can be executed via example():

etc <- system.file(package="sem", "etc") # path to data and model files
(R.DHP <- readMoments(file=file.path(etc, "R-DHP.txt"),
				diag=FALSE, names=c("ROccAsp", "REdAsp", "FOccAsp", 
                "FEdAsp", "RParAsp", "RIQ", "RSES", "FSES", "FIQ", "FParAsp")))
(model.dhp <- specifyModel(file=file.path(etc, "model-DHP.txt")))
(sem.dhp <- sem(model.dhp, R.DHP, 329,
    fixed.x=c('RParAsp', 'RIQ', 'RSES', 'FSES', 'FIQ', 'FParAsp')))



standardizedResiduals(sem.dhp)  # same as residuals because model is fit to correlations
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab