sevenbridges: R Package for Seven Bridges Platform from API client to CWL generator

Bioconductor-Stable | Bioconductor-Devel

Table of Contents

Events Features Installation Tutorial IDE docker image Issues report Q and A


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  • Complete API R client with user friendly API in object-oriented fashion with user friendly printing, support operation on users, billing, project, file, app, task etc, short example.
## get project by pattern matching name
p = a$project("demo")
## get exact project by id
p = a$project(id = "tengfei/demo")
## detele files from a project
## upload fies from a folder to a project with metadata
p$upload("folder_path", metadata = list(platform = "Illumina"))
  • Task monitoring hook allow you to add hook function to task status when you monitor a task, for example, when task is finished sent you email or download all files.
setTaskHook("completed", function(){
  • Task batching by item and metadata
## batch by items
(tsk <- p$task_add(name = "RNA DE report new batch 2", 
                   description = "RNA DE analysis report", 
                   app =$id,
                   batch = batch(input = "bamfiles"),
                   inputs = list(bamfiles =, 
                                 design =,
                                 gtffile =

## batch by metadata, input files has to have metadata fields specified
(tsk <- p$task_add(name = "RNA DE report new batch 3", 
                   description = "RNA DE analysis report", 
                   app =$id,
                   batch = batch(input = "fastq", 
                   inputs = list(bamfiles =, 
                                 design =,
                                 gtffile =
  • Cross platform support from Seven Bridges, such as NCI Cancer genomics cloud or Seven bridges on google and AWS, you can use it.

  • Authentication management for multiple platforms/users via config file.

## standard 
a = Auth(token = "fake_token", url = "api_url")
## OR from config file, multiple platform/user support
a = Auth(username = "tengfei", platform = "cgc")
  • CWL Tool interface, you can directly describe your tool in R, export to JSON/YAML, or add it to your online project. This package defines a complete set

of CWL object. So you can describe tools like this

fd <- fileDef(name = "runif.R",
              content = read_file(fl))
rbx <- Tool(id = "runif", 
            label = "runif",
            hints = requirements(docker(pull = "rocker/r-base"), 
                                 cpu(1), mem(2000)),
            requirements = requirements(fd),
            baseCommand = "Rscript runif.R",
            stdout = "output.txt",
            inputs = list(input(id = "number",
                                type = "integer",
                                position = 1),
                          input(id = "min",
                                type = "float",
                                position = 2),
                          input(id = "max",
                                type = "float",
                                position = 3)),
            outputs = output(id = "random", glob = "output.txt")) 
## output cwl JSON            
rbx$toJSON(pretty = TRUE) 
## output cwl YAML
  • Describe simple linear workflow by connect Tool objects like this
tool1 %>>% tool2 %>>% tool3


[Bioconductor: Stable]

For most users, I will recommend this installation, it's most stable. The current release of Bioconductor is version 3.3; it works with R version 3.3.0. Users of older R and Bioconductor versions must update their installation to take advantage of new features. If you don't want to update your R, please install from github directly as introduced in next section. It's quite easy.

Now check your R version


If you are not running latest R, first install R 3.3 following instruction here, after you successfully installed R 3.3, if you are using Rstudio, please close and restart Rstudio, it will detect the new install. Then install sevenbridges package.



You can always install the latest development version of the package from GitHub, it's always the most latest version, fresh new, with all new features and hot fixes, we push to bioconductor branch (release/devel) regularly.

# install.packages("devtools") if devtools was not installed
install_github("sbg/sevenbridges-r", build_vignettes=TRUE, 

If you have trouble with pandoc, set build_vignettes = FALSE to avoid vignettes build,

[Bioconductor: Devel]

Install from bioconductor devel branch if you are developing tools in devel branch or if you are users who use devel version for R and Bioconductor. You need to install R-devel first, please follow the instruction "Using the Devel Version of Bioconductor". After upgrade of R. This is kind of tricky and hard, if you just want to try latest feature, please install directly from github as next installation instruction.

useDevel(devel = TRUE)

To load the package in R, simply call



We have 3 different version (from stable to latest), 1) bioconductor stable 2) bioconductor devel 3) github for different levels of users and developers, so here are all tutorials and their corresponding version:

  • Complete Guide for API R Client

[github] [bioc-stable] [bioc-devel]

  • Tutorial: use R for Cancer Genomics Cloud

[github] [bioc-stable] [bioc-devel]

  • Creating Your Docker Container and Command Line Interface

[github] [bioc-stable] [bioc-devel]

  • Describe CWL Tools/Workflows in R and Execution

[github] [bioc-stable] [bioc-devel]

  • Using Rstudio and Shiny

[github] [bioc-stable] [bioc-devel]

  • Reference

[bioc-stable] [bioc-devel]

Launch Rstudio Server and Shiny Server with sevenbridges IDE docker container

docker run  -d -p 8787:8787 -p 3838:3838 tengfei/sevenbridges

check out the ip from docker machine if you are on mac os.

docker-machine ip default

In your browser,

http://<url>:8787/ for Rstudio

http://<url>:3838/<username of rstudio>/app_dir for Shiny server

For example, if is what returned, visit for Rstudio.

Note: for users of that Rstudio, just create ShinyApps folder under your home folder, then put your apps under that folder, so you can visit http://<url>:3838/<username of rstudio>/<app name> for your shiny apps. For example

In your Rstudio server launched from container, please run

file.copy("/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/shiny/examples/01_hello/", "~/ShinyApps/", recursive = TRUE)

If you are login as username 'rstudio', then visit you should be able to see the hello example.

Issue report

All feedback are welcomed! Please file bug/issue/request on the issue page here on github, we will try to respond asap.


To ask a question about this package, the best place will be Bioconductor support website, go visit support website, and tag your post with package name sevenbridges.

  • Q: Does this package support older API which is not cwl compatible? A: No it only supports API v2 +, for older version, please check sbgr package, but

please note that the old API or project type will be deprecated.

  • Q: Which version of CWL (common workflow language) supported now? A: Draft 2, progress on draft 3.

  • Q: Is there a python binding for the API? A: Yes, official python client is here. And lots python recipes are now here

  • Q: Why I always get warning message when I use API R client? A: It only exists in Rstudio, potentially a bug in Rstudio. To ignore it use options(warn = -1)

© Seven Bridges Genomics 2012 - 2016. Licensed under the MIT license.

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Apache License 2.0


Last Published

May 1st, 2015

Functions in sevenbridges (1.2.4)