sfsmisc (version 1.1-5)

axTexpr: Axis Ticks Expressions in Nice 10 ** k Form


Produce nice \(a \times 10^k\) expressions for axis labeling instead of the scientific notation "a E<k>".


axTexpr(side, at = axTicks(side, axp = axp, usr = usr, log = log),
        axp = NULL, usr = NULL, log = NULL,
        drop.1 = FALSE)



integer in 1:4 specifying the axis side, as for axis.


numeric vector; with identical default as in axTicks().

axp, usr, log

as for axTicks().


logical indicating if \(1 \times\) should be dropped from the resulting expressions.


an expression of the same length as x, with elements of the form a %*% 10 ^ k.


This is just a utility with the same arguments as axTicks, a wrapper pretty10exp(at, *).

See Also

pretty10exp; eaxis, axis, axTicks.


Run this code
x <- 1e7*(-10:50)
y <- dnorm(x, m=10e7, s=20e7)
plot(x,y)## not really nice,  the following is better:

## For horizontal y-axis labels, need more space:
op <- par(mar= .1+ c(5,5,4,1))
plot(x,y, axes= FALSE, frame=TRUE)
aX <- axTicks(1); axis(1, at=aX, label= axTexpr(1, aX))
## horizontal labels on y-axis:
aY <- axTicks(2); axis(2, at=aY, label= axTexpr(2, aY), las=2)

### -- only 'x' and using log-scale there:
plot(x,y, xaxt= "n", log = "x")
aX <- axTicks(1); axis(1, at=aX, label= axTexpr(1, aX))

## Now an "engineer's version" ( more ticks; only label "10 ^ k" ) :

axp <- par("xaxp") #-> powers of 10 *inside* 'usr'
axp[3] <- 1 # such that only 10^. are labeled
aX <- axTicks(1, axp = axp)
xu <- 10 ^ par("usr")[1:2]
e10 <- c(-1,1) + round(log10(axp[1:2])) ## exponents of 10 *outside* 'usr'
v <- c(outer(1:9, e10[1]:e10[2], function(x,E) x * 10 ^ E))
v <- v[xu[1] <= v & v <= xu[2]]

plot(x,y, xaxt= "n", log = "x", main = "engineer's version of x - axis")
axis(1, at = aX, label = axTexpr(1, aX, drop.1=TRUE)) # 'default'
axis(1, at = v,  label = FALSE, tcl = 2/3 * par("tcl"))
# }

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