shiny (version 0.9.1)

dateRangeInput: Create date range input


Creates a pair of text inputs which, when clicked on, bring up calendars that the user can click on to select dates.


dateRangeInput(inputId, label, start = NULL, end = NULL, min = NULL,
  max = NULL, format = "yyyy-mm-dd", startview = "month", weekstart = 0,
  language = "en", separator = " to ")



The date format string specifies how the date will be displayed in the browser. It allows the following values:

  • yyYear without century (12)
  • yyyyYear with century (2012)
  • mmMonth number, with leading zero (01-12)
  • mMonth number, without leading zero (01-12)
  • MAbbreviated month name
  • MMFull month name
  • ddDay of month with leading zero
  • dDay of month without leading zero
  • DAbbreviated weekday name
  • DDFull weekday name

See Also

dateInput, updateDateRangeInput

Other input.elements: actionButton; animationOptions, sliderInput; checkboxGroupInput; checkboxInput; dateInput; fileInput; numericInput; radioButtons; selectInput, selectizeInput; submitButton; textInput


Run this code
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Date range:",
               start = "2001-01-01",
               end   = "2010-12-31")

# Default start and end is the current date in the client's time zone
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Date range:")

# start and end are always specified in yyyy-mm-dd, even if the display
# format is different
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Date range:",
               start  = "2001-01-01",
               end    = "2010-12-31",
               min    = "2001-01-01",
               max    = "2012-12-21",
               format = "mm/dd/yy",
               separator = "- ")

# Pass in Date objects
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Date range:",
               start = Sys.Date()-10,
               end = Sys.Date()+10)

# Use different language and different first day of week
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Date range:",
               language = "de",
               weekstart = 1)

# Start with decade view instead of default month view
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Date range:",
               startview = "decade")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab