shiny (version 0.9.1)

observe: Create a reactive observer


Creates an observer from the given expression.


observe(x, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, label = NULL,
  suspended = FALSE, priority = 0)



An observer reference class object. This object has the following methods: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]


An observer is like a reactive expression in that it can read reactive values and call reactive expressions, and will automatically re-execute when those dependencies change. But unlike reactive expressions, it doesn't yield a result and can't be used as an input to other reactive expressions. Thus, observers are only useful for their side effects (for example, performing I/O).

Another contrast between reactive expressions and observers is their execution strategy. Reactive expressions use lazy evaluation; that is, when their dependencies change, they don't re-execute right away but rather wait until they are called by someone else. Indeed, if they are not called then they will never re-execute. In contrast, observers use eager evaluation; as soon as their dependencies change, they schedule themselves to re-execute.


Run this code
values <- reactiveValues(A=1)

obsB <- observe({
  print(values$A + 1)

# Can use quoted expressions
obsC <- observe(quote({ print(values$A + 2) }), quoted = TRUE)

# To store expressions for later conversion to observe, use quote()
expr_q <- quote({ print(values$A + 3) })
obsD <- observe(expr_q, quoted = TRUE)

# In a normal Shiny app, the web client will trigger flush events. If you
# are at the console, you can force a flush with flushReact()

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab