shinyjqui (version 0.4.1)

Interactions: Mouse interactions


Attach mouse-based interactions to shiny html tags, shiny input/output widgets or static htmlwidgets and provide ways to manipulate them. The interactions include:

  • draggable: Allow elements to be moved using the mouse.

  • droppable: Create targets for draggable elements.

  • resizable: Change the size of an element using the mouse.

  • selectable: Use the mouse to select elements, individually or in a group.

  • sortable: Reorder elements in a list or grid using the mouse.


  operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"),
  options = NULL

jqui_droppable( ui, operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"), options = NULL )

jqui_resizable( ui, operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"), options = NULL )

jqui_selectable( ui, operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"), options = NULL )

jqui_sortable( ui, operation = c("enable", "disable", "destroy", "save", "load"), options = NULL )



The target ui element(s) to be manipulated. Can be

  • A shiny.tag or shiny.tag.list object

  • A static htmlwidget object

  • A string of jQuery_selector

  • A JS() wrapped javascript expression that returns a jQuery object.


A string to determine how to manipulate the mouse interaction. Can be one of enable, disable, destroy, save and load. Ignored when ui is a shiny.tag or shiny.tag.list object. See Details.


A list of interaction_specific_options. Ignored when operation is set as destroy. This parameter also accept a shiny option that controls the shiny input value returned from the element. See Details.


The same object passed in the ui parameter


The first parameter ui determines the target ui and working mode. If the target ui is a shiny.tag (e.g., shiny inputs/outputs or ui created by tags) or a shiny.tag.list (by tagList()) object or a static htmlwidget, the functions return the a modified ui object with interaction effects attached. When a jQuery_selector or a javascript expression is provided as the ui parameter, the functions first use it to locate the target ui element(s) in the shiny app, and then attach or manipulate the interactions. Therefore, you can use the first way in the ui of a shiny app to create elements with interaction effects (the ui mode), or use the second way in the server to manipulate the interactions (the server mode).

The operation parameter is valid only in server mode. It determines how to manipulate the interaction, which includes:

  • enable: Attach the corresponding mouse interaction to the target(s).

  • disable: Attach the interaction if not and disable it at once (only set the options).

  • destroy: Destroy the interaction.

  • save: Attach the interaction if not and save the current interaction state.

  • load: Attach the interaction if not and restore the target(s) to the last saved interaction state.

With mouse interactions attached, the corresponding interaction states, e.g. position of draggable, size of resizable, selected of selectable and order of sortable, will be sent to server side in the form of input$<id>_<state>. The default values can be overridden by setting the shiny option in the options parameter. Please see the vignette Introduction to shinyjqui for more details.


Run this code

## used in ui
jqui_resizable(actionButton('btn', 'Button'))
jqui_draggable(plotOutput('plot', width = '400px', height = '400px'),
                options = list(axis = 'x'))
    id = 'sel_plots',
    highchartOutput('highchart', width = '300px'),
    plotOutput('ggplot', width = '300px')
  options = list(
    classes = list(`ui-selected` = 'ui-state-highlight')
  id = 'lst',

## used in server
# }
  jqui_draggable('#foo', options = list(grid = c(80, 80)))
  jqui_droppable('.foo', operation = "enable")
# }
## use shiny input
if (interactive()) {
    server = function(input, output) {
      output$foo <- renderHighchart({
        hchart(mtcars, "scatter", hcaes(x = cyl, y = mpg))
      output$position <- renderPrint({
    ui = fluidPage(
      jqui_draggable(highchartOutput('foo', width = '200px', height = '200px'))

## custom shiny input
func <- JS('function(event, ui){return $(;}')
options <-  list(
  shiny = list(
    abs_position = list(
      dragcreate = func, # send returned value back to shiny when interaction is created.
      drag = func # send returned value to shiny when dragging.
jqui_draggable(highchartOutput('foo', width = '200px', height = '200px'),
                options = options)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab