simPH (version 0.8.4)

coxsimSpline: Simulate quantities of interest for penalized splines from Cox Proportional Hazards models


coxsimSpline simulates quantities of interest from penalized splines using multivariate normal distributions.


coxsimSpline(obj, bspline, bdata, qi = "Relative Hazard",
    Xj = 1, Xl = 0, nsim = 1000, ci = 0.95, spin = FALSE)


a coxph class fitted model object with a penalized spline. These can be plotted with simGG.
a character string of the full pspline call used in obj. It should be exactly the same as how you entered it in coxph. You also need to ente
a numeric vector of splined variable's values.
quantity of interest to simulate. Values can be "Relative Hazard", "First Difference", "Hazard Ratio", and "Hazard Rate". The default is qi = "Relative Hazard". Think carefully befor
numeric vector of fitted values for b to simulate for.
numeric vector of values to compare Xj to. Note if qi = "Relative Hazard" or "Hazard Rate" only Xj is relevant.
the number of simulations to run per value of Xj. Default is nsim = 1000.
the proportion of simulations to keep. The default is ci = 0.95, i.e. keep the middle 95 percent. If spin = TRUE then ci is the confidence level of the shortest probability interval. Any value from 0 through
logical, whether or not to keep only the shortest probability interval rather than the middle simulations. Currently not supported for hazard rates.


  • a simspline object


Simulates relative hazards, first differences, hazard ratios, and hazard rates for penalized splines from Cox Proportional Hazards models. These can be plotted with simGG. A Cox PH model with one penalized spline is given by: $$h(t|\mathbf{X}_{i})=h_{0}(t)\mathrm{e}^{g(x)}$$

where $g(x)$ is the penalized spline function. For our post-estimation purposes $g(x)$ is basically a series of linearly combined coefficients such that:

$$g(x) = \beta_{k_{1}}(x)_{1+} + \beta_{k_{2}}(x)_{2+} + \beta_{k_{3}}(x)_{3+} + \ldots + \beta_{k_{n}}(x)_{n+}$$

where $k$ are the equally spaced spline knots with values inside of the range of observed $x$ and $n$ is the number of knots.

We can again draw values of each $\beta_{k_{1}}, \ldots \beta_{k_{n}}$ from the multivariate normal distribution described above. We then use these simulated coefficients to estimates quantities of interest for a range covariate values. For example, the first difference between two values $x_{j}$ and $x_{l}$ is:

$$%\triangle h_{i}(t) = (\mathrm{e}^{g(x_{j}) - g(x_{l})} - 1) * 100$$

Relative hazards and hazard ratios can be calculated by extension.

Currently coxsimSpline does not support simulating hazard rates form multiple stratified models.


Luke Keele, "Replication data for: Proportionally Difficult: Testing for Nonproportional Hazards In Cox Models", 2010, V1 [Version].

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. ''Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.'' American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347-61.

Liu, Ying, Andrew Gelman, and Tian Zheng. 2013. ''Simulation-Efficient Shortest Probability Intervals.'' Arvix.

See Also

simGG, survival, strata, and coxph


Run this code
## dontrun
# Load Carpenter (2002) data
# data("CarpenterFdaData")

# Load survival package
# library(survival)

# Run basic model
# From Keele (2010) replication data
# M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~  prevgenx + lethal + deathrt1 +
#				acutediz + hosp01  + pspline(hospdisc, df = 4) +
#				pspline(hhosleng, df = 4) + mandiz01 + femdiz01 + peddiz01 +
#				orphdum + natreg + vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 +
#				pspline(condavg3, df = 4) + pspline(orderent, df = 4) +
#				pspline(stafcder, df = 4), data = CarpenterFdaData)

# Simulate Relative Hazards for orderent
# Sim1 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(stafcder, df = 4)",
#                    bdata = CarpenterFdaData$stafcder,
#                    qi = "Hazard Ratio",
#                    Xj = seq(1100, 1700, by = 10),
#                    Xl = seq(1099, 1699, by = 10), spin = TRUE)

## dontrun
# Simulate Hazard Rates for orderent
# Sim2 <- coxsimSpline(M1, bspline = "pspline(orderent, df = 4)",
#                       bdata = CarpenterFdaData$orderent,
#                       qi = "Hazard Rate",
#                       Xj = seq(2, 53, by = 3),
#                       nsim = 100)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab