simcausal (version 0.2.0)

set.DAG: Create and Lock DAG Object


Check current DAG (created with node) for errors and consistency of its node distributions, set the observed data generating distribution. Attempts to simulates several observations to catch any errors in DAG definition. New nodes cannot be added after function set.DAG has been applied.


set.DAG(DAG, vecfun)


Named list of node objects that together will form a DAG. Temporal ordering of nodes is either determined by the order in which the nodes were added to the DAG (using +node(...) interface) or with an optional "order" argument to node()<
A character vector with names of the vectorized user-defined node formula functions. See examples and the vignette for more information.


  • A DAG (S3) object, which is a list consisting of node object(s) sorted by their temporal order.


Run this code
# EXAMPLE 1A: Define some Bernoulli nodes, survival outcome Y and put it together in a 
# DAG object
W1 <- node(name = "W1", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5), order = 1)
W2 <- node(name = "W2", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5 + 0.5 * W1), order = 2)
A <- node(name = "A", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5 - 0.3 * W1 - 0.3 * W2), order = 3)
Y <- node(name = "Y", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.1 + 1.2 * A + 0.3 * W1 + 0.3 * W2), order = 4)
D1A <- set.DAG(c(W1,W2,A,Y))

# EXAMPLE 1B: Same as 1A using +node interface and no order argument
D1B <- DAG.empty()
D1B <- D1B + node(name = "W1", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5))
D1B <- D1B + node(name = "W2", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5 + 0.5 * W1))
D1B <- D1B + node(name = "A", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5 - 0.3 * W1 - 0.3 * W2))
D1B <- D1B + node(name = "Y", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.1 + 1.2 * A + 0.3 * W1 + 0.3 * W2))
D1B <- set.DAG(D1B)

# EXAMPLE 1C: Same as 1A and 1B using add.nodes interface and no order argument
D1C <- DAG.empty()
D1C <- add.nodes(D1C, node(name = "W1", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5)))
D1C <- add.nodes(D1C, node(name = "W2", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5 + 0.5 * W1)))
D1C <- add.nodes(D1C, node(name = "A", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.5 - 0.3 * W1 - 0.3 * W2)))
D1C <- add.nodes(D1C, node(name = "Y", distr = "rbern", 
	prob = plogis(-0.1 + 1.2 * A + 0.3 * W1 + 0.3 * W2)))
D1C <- set.DAG(D1C)

# EXAMPLE 1D: Add a uniformly distributed node and redefine outcome Y as categorical
D_unif <- DAG.empty()
D_unif <- D_unif + 
node("W1", distr = "rbern", prob = plogis(-0.5)) + 
node("W2", distr = "rbern", prob = plogis(-0.5 + 0.5 * W1)) + 
node("W3", distr = "runif", min = plogis(-0.5 + 0.7 * W1 + 0.3 * W2), max = 10) + 
node("An", distr = "rbern", prob = plogis(-0.5 - 0.3 * W1 - 0.3 * W2 - 0.2 * sin(W3)))
# Categorical syntax 1 (probabilities as values):
D_cat_1 <- D_unif + node("Y", distr = "rcategor", probs = {0.3; 0.4})
D_cat_1 <- set.DAG(D_cat_1)
# Categorical syntax 2 (probabilities as formulas):
D_cat_2 <- D_unif + 
node("Y", distr = "rcategor", 
	probs={plogis(-0.1 + 1.2 * An + 0.3 * W1 + 0.3 * W2 + 0.2 * cos(W3)); 
			plogis(-0.5 + 0.7 * W1)})
D_cat_2 <- set.DAG(D_cat_2)

# EXAMPLE 2A: Define Bernoulli nodes using R rbinom() function, defining prob argument
# for L2 as a function of node L1
D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D + 
node("L1", t = 0, distr = "rbinom", 
	prob = 0.05, size = 1) + 
node("L2", t = 0, distr = "rbinom", 
	prob = ifelse(L1[0] == 1, 0.5, 0.1), size = 1)
D <- set.DAG(D)

# EXAMPLE 2B: Equivalent to 2A, passing argument size to rbinom inside a named list
# params
D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D + 
node("L1", t = 0, distr = "rbinom", 
	prob = 0.05, params = list(size = 1)) + 
node("L2", t = 0, distr = "rbinom", 
	prob = ifelse(L1[0] == 1,0.5,0.1), params = list(size = 1))
D <- set.DAG(D)

# EXAMPLE 2C: Equivalent to 2A and 2B, define Bernoulli nodes using a wrapper "rbern"
D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D + 
node("L1", t = 0, distr = "rbern", prob = 0.05) + 
node("L2", t = 0, distr = "rbern", prob = ifelse(L1[0] == 1, 0.5, 0.1))
D <- set.DAG(D)

# EXAMPLE 3: Define node with normal distribution using rnorm() R function
D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D + node("L2", t = 0, distr = "rnorm", mean = 10, sd = 5)
D <- set.DAG(D)

# EXAMPLE 4: Define 34 Bernoulli nodes, or 2 Bernoulli nodes over 17 time points,
# prob argument contains .() expression that is immediately evaluated in the calling 
# environment (.(t_end) will evaluate to 16)
t_end <- 16
D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D + 
node("L2", t = 0:t_end, distr = "rbinom", 
	prob = ifelse(t == .(t_end), 0.5, 0.1), size = 1) + 
node("L1", t = 0:t_end, distr = "rbinom", 
	prob = ifelse(L2[0] == 1, 0.5, 0.1), size = 1)
D <- set.DAG(D)

# EXAMPLE 5: Defining new distribution function 'rbern', defining and passing a custom 
# vectorized node function 'customfun'
rbern <- function(n, prob) { # defining a bernoulli wrapper based on R rbinom function
  rbinom(n = n, prob = prob, size = 1)
customfun <- function(arg, lambda) {
  res <- ifelse(arg == 1, lambda, 0.1)
D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D + 
node("W1", distr = "rbern", prob = 0.05) + 
node("W2", distr = "rbern", prob = customfun(W1, 0.5)) + 
node("W3", distr = "rbern", prob = ifelse(W1 == 1, 0.5, 0.1))
D1d <- set.DAG(D, vecfun = c("customfun"))
sim1d <- simobs(D1d, n = 200, rndseed = 1)

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