soundgen (version 1.5.0)

estimateVTL: Estimate vocal tract length


Estimates the length of vocal tract based on formant frequencies, assuming that the vocal tract can be modeled as a tube open at both ends.


estimateVTL(formants, method = c("meanFormant", "meanDispersion",
  "regression")[3], speedSound = 35400, checkFormat = TRUE)



a character string like "aaui" referring to default presets for speaker "M1"; a vector of formant frequencies; or a list of formant times, frequencies, amplitudes, and bandwidths, with a single value of each for static or multiple values of each for moving formants


the method of estimating vocal tract length (see details)


speed of sound in warm air, cm/s. Stevens (2000) "Acoustic phonetics", p. 138


if TRUE, expands shorthand format specifications into the canonical form of a list with four components: time, frequency, amplitude and bandwidth for each format (as returned by the internal function reformatFormants)


Returns the estimated vocal tract length in cm.


If method = 'meanFormant', vocal tract length (VTL) is calculated separately for each formant as \((2 * formant_number - 1) * speedSound / (4 * formant_frequency)\), and then the resulting VTLs are averaged. If method = 'meanDispersion', formant dispersion is calculated as the mean distance between formants, and then VTL is calculated as \(speed of sound / 2 / formant dispersion\). If method = 'regression', formant dispersion is estimated using the regression method described in Reby et al. (2005) "Red deer stags use formants as assessment cues during intrasexual agonistic interactions". For a review of these and other VTL-related summary measures of formant frequencies, refer to Pisanski et al. (2014) "Vocal indicators of body size in men and women: a meta-analysis". See also schwa for VTL estimation with additional information on formant frequencies.


Run this code
estimateVTL(c(600, 1850, 3100))
estimateVTL(formants = list(f1 = 600, f2 = 1650, f3 = 2400))

# Missing values are OK
estimateVTL(c(600, 1850, 3100, NA, 5000))

# For moving formants, frequencies are averaged over time,
# i.e. this is identical to c(600, 1650, 2400)
estimateVTL(formants = list(f1 = c(500, 700), f2 = 1650, f3 = c(2200, 2600)))

# Note that VTL estimates based on the commonly reported 'meanDispersion'
# depend only on the first and last formant
estimateVTL(c(500, 1400, 2800, 4100), method = 'meanDispersion')
estimateVTL(c(500, 1100, 2300, 4100), method = 'meanDispersion') # identical
# ...but
estimateVTL(c(500, 1400, 2800, 4100), method = 'meanFormant')
estimateVTL(c(500, 1100, 2300, 4100), method = 'meanFormant') # much longer

# }
# Compare the results produced by the three methods
nIter = 1000
out = data.frame(meanFormant = rep(NA, nIter), meanDispersion = NA, regression = NA)
for (i in 1:nIter) {
  # generate a random formant configuration
  f = runif(1, 300, 900) + (1:6) * rnorm(6, 1000, 200)
  out$meanFormant[i]    = estimateVTL(f, method = 'meanFormant')
  out$meanDispersion[i] = estimateVTL(f, method = 'meanDispersion')
  out$regression[i]     = estimateVTL(f, method = 'regression')
# 'meanDispersion' is pretty different, while 'meanFormant' and 'regression'
# give broadly comparable results
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace