soundgen (version 1.5.0)

getLoudness: Get loudness


Estimates subjective loudness per frame, in sone. Based on EMBSD speech quality measure, particularly the matlab code in Yang (1999) and Timoney et al. (2004). Note that there are many ways to estimate loudness and many other factors, ignored by this model, that could influence subjectively experienced loudness. Please treat the output with a healthy dose of skepticism! Also note that the absolute value of calculated loudness critically depends on the chosen "measured" sound pressure level (SPL). getLoudness estimates how loud a sound will be experienced if it is played back at an SPL of SPL_measured dB. The most meaningful way to use the output is to compare the loudness of several sounds analyzed with identical settings or of different segments within the same recording.


getLoudness(x, samplingRate = NULL, scale = NULL, windowLength = 50,
  step = NULL, overlap = 50, SPL_measured = 70, Pref = 2e-05,
  spreadSpectrum = TRUE, plot = TRUE, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1),



path to a .wav or .mp3 file or a vector of amplitudes with specified samplingRate


sampling rate of x (only needed if x is a numeric vector, rather than an audio file), must be > 2000 Hz


the maximum possible value of x (only needed if x is a numeric vector, rather than an audio file); defaults to observed max(abs(x)) if it is greater than 1 and to 1 otherwise


length of FFT window, ms


you can override overlap by specifying FFT step, ms


overlap between successive FFT frames, %


sound pressure level at which the sound is presented, dB


reference pressure, Pa


if TRUE, applies a spreading function to account for frequency masking


should a spectrogram be plotted? TRUE / FALSE


margins of the spectrogram


other plotting parameters passed to spectrogram


Returns a list of length two:


spectrum in sone: a matrix with frequency on the bark scale in rows and time (STFT frames) in columns


a vector of loudness per STFT frame (sone)


Algorithm: calibrates the sound to the desired SPL (Timoney et al., 2004), extracts a spectrogram, converts to bark scale (audspec), spreads the spectrum to account for frequency masking across the critical bands (Yang, 1999), converts dB to phon by using standard equal loudness curves (ISO 226), converts phon to sone (Timoney et al., 2004), sums across all critical bands, and applies a correction coefficient to standardize output. Calibrated so as to return a loudness of 1 sone for a 1 kHz pure tone with SPL of 40 dB.


  • ISO 226 as implemented by Jeff Tackett (2005) on 7028-iso-226-equal-loudness-level-contour-signal

  • Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., Schoenwiesner, M., & MacManus, L. (2004). Implementing loudness models in matlab.

  • Yang, W. (1999). Enhanced Modified Bark Spectral Distortion (EMBSD): An Objective Speech Quality Measure Based on Audible Distortion and Cognitive Model. Temple University.


Run this code
sounds = list(
  white_noise = runif(8000, -1, 1),
  white_noise2 = runif(8000, -1, 1) / 2,  # ~6 dB quieter
  pure_tone_1KHz = sin(2*pi*1000/16000*(1:8000))  # pure tone at 1 kHz
loud = rep(0, length(sounds)); names(loud) = names(sounds)
for (i in 1:length(sounds)) {
  # playme(sounds[[i]], 16000)
  l = getLoudness(
    x = sounds[[i]], samplingRate = 16000, scale = 1,
    windowLength = 20, step = NULL,
    overlap = 50, SPL_measured = 40,
    Pref = 2e-5, plot = FALSE)
  loud[i] = mean(l$loudness)
# white noise (sound 1) is twice as loud as pure tone at 1 KHz (sound 3),
# and note that the same white noise with lower amplitude has lower loudness
# (provided that "scale" is specified)
# compare: lapply(sounds, range)

# }
  s = soundgen()
  l = getLoudness(s, SPL_measured = 70,
                  samplingRate = 16000, plot = TRUE, osc = TRUE)
  # The estimated loudness in sone depends on target SPL
  l = getLoudness(s, SPL_measured = 40,
                  samplingRate = 16000, plot = TRUE)

  # ...but not (much) on windowLength and samplingRate
  l = getLoudness(soundgen(), SPL_measured = 40, windowLength = 50,
                  samplingRate = 16000, plot = TRUE)

  # input can be an audio file
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace