sp (version 1.2-3)

coordinates-methods: retrieve (or set) spatial coordinates


retrieve (or set) spatial coordinates from (for) spatial data



obj = "list"
list with (at least) two numeric components of equal length
obj = "data.frame"
data.frame with at least two numeric components
obj = "matrix"
numeric matrix with at least two columns
obj = "SpatialPoints"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialPoints
obj = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialPointsDataFrame
obj = "SpatialPolygons"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialPolygons
obj = "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
obj = "Line"
object of class Line; returned value is matrix
obj = "Lines"
object of class Lines; returned value is list of matrices
obj = "SpatialLines"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialLines; returned value is list of lists of matrices
obj = "GridTopology"
object of, or deriving from, GridTopology
obj = "GridTopology"
object of, or deriving from, GridTopology
obj = "SpatialPixels"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialPixels
obj = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialPixelsDataFrame
obj = "SpatialGrid"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialGrid
obj = "SpatialGridDataFrame"
object of, or deriving from, SpatialGridDataFrame

Methods for "coordinates<-"

object = "data.frame", value="ANY"
promote data.frame to object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame-class, by specifying coordinates; see coordinates