sparklyr (version 0.7.0)

spark_apply: Apply an R Function in Spark


Applies an R function to a Spark object (typically, a Spark DataFrame).


spark_apply(x, f, columns = colnames(x), memory = TRUE, group_by = NULL,
  packages = TRUE, context = NULL, ...)



An object (usually a spark_tbl) coercable to a Spark DataFrame.


A function that transforms a data frame partition into a data frame. The function f has signature f(df, context, group1, group2, ...) where df is a data frame with the data to be processed, context is an optional object passed as the context parameter and group1 to groupN contain the values of the group_by values. When group_by is not specified, f takes only one argument.


A vector of column names or a named vector of column types for the transformed object. Defaults to the names from the original object and adds indexed column names when not enough columns are specified.


Boolean; should the table be cached into memory?


Column name used to group by data frame partitions.


Boolean to distribute .libPaths() packages to each node, a list of packages to distribute, or a package bundle created with spark_apply_bundle().

For clusters using Livy or Yarn cluster mode, packages must point to a package bundle created using spark_apply_bundle() and made available as a Spark file using config$

For offline clusters where available.packages() is not available, manually download the packages database from and set Sys.setenv(sparklyr.apply.packagesdb = "<pathl-to-rds>"). Otherwise, all packages will be used by default.


Optional object to be serialized and passed back to f().


Optional arguments; currently unused.