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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

spatstat.options: Internal Options in Spatstat Package


Allows the user to examine and reset the values of global parameters which control actions in the spatstat package.




Either a list of parameters and their values, or a single value. See Details.



Either empty, or a succession of parameter names in quotes, or a succession of name=value pairs. See below for the parameter names.

Internal parameters

The following parameters may also be specified to spatstat.options but are intended for software development or testing purposes.


Logical. Whether to use new version of the code for closepairs. Initialised to TRUE.


Logical. Whether to use new version of the code for crossing.psp. Initialised to TRUE.


Logical. Whether to use new version of the code for crosspairs. Initialised to TRUE.


Logical. Indicates whether to use accelerated C code (densityC=TRUE) or interpreted R code (densityC=FALSE) to evaluate density.ppp(X, at="points"). Initialised to TRUE.


Logical. Do not change this value, unless you are Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au.


One of the strings 'off', 'on' or 'test' determining whether to use accelerated C code to evaluate the conditional intensity of a Gibbs model. Initialised to 'on'.


Logical. Whether to use old R code for morphological operations. Initialise to FALSE.


Logical. Whether to use new version of the code for selfcrossing.psp. Initialised to TRUE.


Logical. Whether to use specialised code for the K-function in a rectangular window. Initialised to TRUE.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au, Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz and Ege Rubak rubak@math.aau.dk.


The function spatstat.options allows the user to examine and reset the values of global parameters which control actions in the spatstat package. It is analogous to the system function options.

The function reset.spatstat.options resets all the global parameters in spatstat to their original, default values.

The global parameters of interest to the user are:


Logical flag indicating whether the functions owin and as.owin should apply very strict checks on the validity of polygon data. These strict checks are no longer necessary, and the default is checkpolygons=FALSE. See also fixpolygons below.


Logical flag indicating whether the functions psp and as.psp should check the validity of line segment data (in particular, checking that the endpoints of the line segments are inside the specified window). It is advisable to leave this flag set to TRUE.


Integer specifying the maximum size of matrices generated by dppeigen. Defaults to 2^24.


Logical flag affecting the behaviour of the score and pseudo-score residual functions Gcom, Gres Kcom, Kres, psstA, psstG, psst. The flag indicates whether to compute intensity estimates on an eroded window (eroded.intensity=TRUE) or on the original data window (eroded.intensity=FALSE, the default).


The default expansion factor (area inflation factor) for expansion of the simulation window in rmh (see rmhcontrol). Initialised to 2.


Logical. Whether expressions involving polynom in a model formula should be expanded, so that polynom(x,2) is replaced by x + I(x^2) and so on. Initialised to TRUE.


Logical. Whether to use a fast algorithm (introduced in spatstat 1.42-3) for simulating the Poisson point process in rpoispp when the argument lambda is a pixel image. Initialised to TRUE. Should be set to FALSE if needed to guarantee repeatability of results computed using earlier versions of spatstat.


Logical. Whether to use a fast C language algorithm (introduced in spatstat 1.42-3) for random thinning in rthin when the argument P is a single number. Initialised to TRUE. Should be set to FALSE if needed to guarantee repeatability of results computed using earlier versions of spatstat.


Logical. Whether to use fast or slow algorithm to compute the (theoretical) \(K\)-function of a log-Gaussian Cox process for use in lgcp.estK or Kmodel. The slow algorithm uses accurate numerical integration; the fast algorithm uses Simpson's Rule for numerical integration, and is about two orders of magnitude faster. Initialised to FALSE.


Logical flag indicating whether the functions owin and as.owin should repair errors in polygon data. For example, self-intersecting polygons and overlapping polygons will be repaired. The default is fixpolygons=TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the two-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform should be computed using the package fftwtools, instead of the fft function in the stats package. This affects the speed of density.ppp, density.psp, blur setcov and Smooth.ppp.


Defunct. This parameter was used to permit or forbid the use of the package gpclib, because of its restricted software licence. This package is no longer needed.


The maximum value of n for which runif(n) will not generate an error (possible errors include failure to allocate sufficient memory, and integer overflow of n). An attempt to generate more than this number of random points triggers a warning from runifpoint and other functions. Defaults to 1e6.


Function determining the default colour map for plot.im. When called with one integer argument n, this function should return a character vector of length n specifying n different colours.


Logical value, determining whether the algorithm in Kcom and Kres removes or retains the contributions to the function from pairs of points that are identical. If these are retained then the function has a jump at \(r=0\). Initialised to TRUE.


Edge correction weights will be trimmed so as not to exceed this value. This applies to the weights computed by edge.Trans or edge.Ripley and used in Kest and its relatives.


The maximum permitted size (rows times columns) of matrices generated by spatstat's internal code. Used by ppm and predict.ppm (for example) to decide when to split a large calculation into blocks. Defaults to 2^24=16777216.


Logical flag indicating whether graphics should be plotted in grey scale (monochrome=TRUE) or in colour (monochrome=FALSE, the default).


Integer. Number of trial values of smoothing bandwidth to use for cross-validation in bw.relrisk and similar functions.


The minimum number of dummy points in a quadrature scheme created by default.dummy. Either an integer or a pair of integers giving the minimum number of dummy points in the x and y directions respectively.


Number of points in the square grid used to compute a discrete approximation to the areas of discs in areaLoss and areaGain when exact calculation is not available. A single integer.


Default number of pixels in a binary mask or pixel image. Either an integer, or a pair of integers, giving the number of pixels in the x and y directions respectively.


Default number of voxels in a 3D image, typically for calculating the distance transform in F3est. Initialised to 4 megavoxels: nvoxel = 2^22 = 4194304.


List of arguments to be passed to the function image when displaying a binary image mask (in plot.owin or plot.ppp). Typically used to reset the colours of foreground and background.


List of arguments controlling contour plots of pixel images by contour.im.


List of arguments controlling the plotting of functions by plot.fv and its relatives.


List of arguments to be passed to the function persp when displaying a real-valued image, such as the fitted surfaces in plot.ppm.


List of arguments controlling the plotting of point patterns by plot.ppp.


List of arguments controlling the plotting of three-dimensional point patterns by plot.pp3.


Default rule used by print.ppm to decide whether to calculate and print standard errors of the estimated coefficients of the model. One of the strings "always", "never" or "poisson" (the latter indicating that standard errors will be calculated only for Poisson models). The default is "poisson" because the calculation for non-Poisson models can take a long time.


Character string determining the style of progress reports printed by progressreport. Either "tty", "tk" or "txtbar". For explanation of these options, see progressreport.


Logical. If TRUE, the algorithm of project.ppm will be accelerated using a shorcut. Initialised to FALSE.


Single integer, controlling the accuracy of the discrete approximation of areas computed in the function psstA. The area of a disc is approximated by counting points on an \(n \times n\) grid. Initialised to 32.


Single integer, determining the number of distances \(r\) at which the function psstA will be evaluated (in the default case where argument r is absent). Initialised to 30.


Logical value, determining whether the algorithm in psstG removes or retains the contributions to the function from pairs of points that are identical. If these are retained then the function has a jump at \(r=0\). Initialised to TRUE.

rmh.p, rmh.q, rmh.nrep

New default values for the parameters p, q and nrep in the Metropolis-Hastings simulation algorithm. These override the defaults in rmhcontrol.default.


Logical flag indicating whether the new code in rmh.default which makes the results scalable (invariant to change of units) should be used. In order to recover former behaviour (so that previous results can be reproduced) set this option equal to FALSE. See the “Warning” section in the help for rmh() for more detail.


Integer between 0 and 4. The level of terseness (brevity) in printed output from many functions in spatstat. Higher values mean shorter output. A rough guide is the following:

0Full output
1Avoid wasteful output
2Remove space between paragraphs
3Suppress extras such as standard errors
4Compress text, suppress internal warnings

The value of terse is initialised to 0.


Logical value indicating whether default colour maps are allowed to include semi-transparent colours, where possible. Default is TRUE. Currently this only affects plot.ppp.


The kind of parenthesis which encloses the text that explains a unitname. This text is seen in the text output of functions like print.ppp and in the graphics generated by plot.fv. The value should be one of the character strings '(', '[', '{' or ''. The default is '('.

If no arguments are given, the current values of all parameters are returned, in a list.

If one parameter name is given, the current value of this parameter is returned (not in a list, just the value).

If several parameter names are given, the current values of these parameters are returned, in a list.

If name=value pairs are given, the named parameters are reset to the given values, and the previous values of these parameters are returned, in a list.

See Also


Run this code
  # save current values whatever they are
  oldopt <- spatstat.options()



  # see help(persp.default) for other options

  # revert to the state at the beginning of these examples

  # revert to 'factory defaults'

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab