spatstat (version 1.30-0)

model.matrix.slrm: Extract Design Matrix from Spatial Logistic Regression Model


This function extracts the design matrix of a spatial logistic regression model.


## S3 method for class 'slrm':
model.matrix(object, ..., keepNA=TRUE)


A fitted spatial logistic regression model. An object of class "slrm".
Other arguments (such as na.action) passed to model.matrix.lm.
Logical. Determines whether rows containing NA values will be deleted or retained.


  • A matrix. Columns of the matrix are canonical covariates in the model.


This command is a method for the generic function model.matrix. It extracts the design matrix of a spatial logistic regression. The object must be a fitted spatial logistic regression (object of class "slrm"). Such objects are produced by the model-fitting function slrm.

Usually the result is a matrix with one column for every constructed covariate in the model, and one row for every pixel in the grid used to fit the model.

If object was fitted using split pixels (by calling slrm using the argument splitby) then the matrix has one row for every pixel or half-pixel.

See Also

model.matrix, model.images, slrm.


Run this code
fit <- slrm(japanesepines ~x)
   # matrix with two columns: '(Intercept)' and 'x'

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab