spatstat (version 1.42-1)

pool.fv: Pool Several Functions


Combine several summary functions into a single function.


## S3 method for class 'fv':
pool(..., weights=NULL)


Objects of class "fv".
Optional numeric vector of weights for the functions.


  • An object of class "fv".


The function pool is generic. This is the method for the class "fv" of summary functions. It is used to combine several estimates of the same function into a single function.

Each of the arguments ... must be an object of class "fv". They must be compatible, in that they are estimates of the same function, and were computed using the same options.

The sample mean and sample variance of the corresponding estimates will be computed.

See Also

pool, pool.anylist, pool.rat


Run this code
K <- lapply(waterstriders, Kest, correction="iso")
   Kall <- pool(K[[1]], K[[2]], K[[3]])
   Kall <- pool(as.anylist(K))
   plot(Kall, cbind(pooliso, pooltheo) ~ r,
              shade=c("loiso", "hiiso"),
              main="Pooled K function of waterstriders")

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