splusTimeDate (version 2.5.4)

timeDate: Constructor Function for timeDate Objects


Constructs a timeDate object from a character vector, a vector of julian days, or a vector of milliseconds, or constructs an empty timeDate object.


timeDate(charvec, in.format, 
         format, zone, 
         julian, ms, in.origin=c(month=1, day=1, year=1960))


returns a timeDate object derived from the inputs.



a character vector to read the times from.


the input format string for charvec. The default value is timeDateOptions("time.in.format"). (Click class.timeDate in the SEE ALSO section for the list of allowable input format strings.


the output format stored in the result. The default is timeDateOptions("time.out.format").


the time zone stored in the result. The default value is timeDateOptions("time.zone").


an integer vector of the number of days since in.origin. If ms is missing, this argument can also be a numeric whose fractional part gives the fraction of the day.


an integer vector of milliseconds since midnight.


the origin for the julian argument. This should be a vector with month, day, and year components.


One of charvec, julian, or ms must be supplied, unless the function is called with no arguments.

  • If charvec is supplied, then timeDate reads the times from the charvec character strings using the format string from in.format. This conversion uses the time zone supplied in zone.

  • If charvec is not supplied, then timeDate uses julian and/or ms to construct the time vector. These are copied directly to the internals of the time object without considering the time zone (that is, they must be given in GMT, or the user must call timeZoneConvert afterwards).

Leap seconds do not cause NA values, but it can cause times of day to be off by a second on the days that contain them.

For information about possible values for the in.format and format arguments, see the documentation for the timeDate class (class.timeDate).

See Also

timeCalendar, timeDate, format.timeDate, timeZoneConvert.


Run this code
timeDate(c("1/1/97", "2/1/97", "mar 1, 1997")) 
timeDate(c("1 PM", "2 PM", "3 AM"), in.format = "%H %p",  
      format = "%I %p") 
timeDate(julian = 36, ms = 876393,  
      in.origin = c(month=1,day=1,year=1998)) 

## Get today's date in yyyymmdd format
timeDate(date(), in.format="%w %m %d %H:%M:%S %Y",

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab