splusTimeDate (version 2.5.4)

timeDateOptions: Set or Return timeDate Options


Provides the means to set or view global options for working with timeDate objects and classes.




a list, even if the list is of length 1.

  • If no arguments are given, timeDateOptions returns a list of current values for all options.

  • If a character vector is given as the only argument, timeDateOptions returns a list of current values for the options named in the character vector.

  • If an object of mode "list" is given as the only argument, its components become the values for options with the corresponding names. timeDateOptions returns a list of the option values before they were modified. Usually, the list given as an argument is the return value of a previous call to timeDateOptions.

  • If arguments are given in name=value form, the values of the specified options are changed and timeDateOptions returns a list of the option values before they were modified.



you can give a list or vector of character strings as the only argument, or you can give any number of arguments in the name=value form. Optionally, you can give no arguments. See the Value and Side Effects sections for explanation.

Common options


a small number specifying the time series comparison tolerance. This is used throughout the time series functions for frequency comparisons. Frequencies are considered equal if they differ in absolute value by less than ts.eps.


a number specifying the tolerance for converting numeric vectors to numeric sequences. If a numeric vector is an arithmetic sequence to within sequence.tol, it can be converted to a sequence.


a character string specifying the format for reading timeDate objects from character strings using the as and timeDate functions. The default value is "%m[/][.]%d[/][,]%y [%H[:%M[:%S[.%N]]][%p][[(]%3Z[)]]]", which reads a wide variety of date strings. To use the European day/month/year format, set this to "%d[/][.]%m[/][,]%y [%H[:%M[:%S[.%N]]][%p][[(]%3Z[)]]]". The elements of this format string are described in the documentation for the timeDate class (class.timeDate).


a character string specifying the format for printing timeDate objects to character strings. The default value is "%02m/%02d/%04Y %02H:%02M:%02S.%03N". To use the European day/month/year format, set this to "%02d/%02m/%04Y %02H:%02M:%02S.%03N". The elements of this format string are described in the documentation for the timeDate class (class.timeDate).


a character string specifying the format for printing timeDate objects when the time.zone option is set to GMT and the time of every element of the timeDate object is midnight. See timeDate for more information.


a 12-element character vector giving the names of the months.


a 12-element character vector giving the abbreviations for the names of the months.


a 7-element character vector giving the names of the days of the week, starting with Sunday.


a 7-element character vector giving the abbreviations for the names of the days of the week, starting with Sunday.


an integer indicating the first year of a 100-year span. This value is used to interpret and print two-digit years. For example, if time.century=1950, the year 50 is interpreted as 1950 and the year 49 is interpreted as 2049. If time.century=1900, the year 0 means 1900 and the year 99 means 1999.


a 2-element character vector giving strings for printing "AM" and "PM" in time objects.


a character string specifying the default time zone when none is given in a time object.


a character string specifying the format for reading timeSpan objects from character strings using the as and timeSpan functions.


a character string specifying the format for printing timeSpan objects to character strings.

Default values

The default values for some of the common options listed above are as follows. Options that have never been set have the value NULL

   time.am.pm=c("AM", "PM")
   time.in.format="[%m[/][.]%d[/][,]%y] [%H[:%M[:%S[.%N]]][%p][[(]%3Z[)]]]"
   time.out.format="%02m/%02d/%Y %02H:%02M:%02S.%03N"
   time.day.abb=c("Sun", "Mon", ..., "Sat")
   time.day.name=c("Sunday", "Monday", ..., "Saturday")
   time.month.abb=c("Jan", "Feb", ..., "Dec")
   time.month.name=c("January", "February", ..., "December")
   tspan.in.format=paste("[%yy[ear[s]][,]] [%dd[ay[s]][,]]",
     "[%Hh[our[s]][,]] [%Mm[in[ute][s]][,]] [%Ss[ec[ond][s]][,]]",
   tspan.out.format="%dd %Hh %Mm %Ss %NMS",

Side Effects

If timeDateOptions is called with either a list as the single argument or with one or more arguments in name=value form, the options specified are changed or created. The options are stored in a list in a local environment within the splusTimeDate package. Any modifications to the options disappear when the current session ends. The next session will start with the default value of the options.


To see all the timeDate options and their current values, call timeDateOptions with no arguments i.e. timeDateOptions()

To set timeDateOptions temporarily in a function, call timeDateOptions as you normally would from the command line. To ensure that your function finishes cleanly and does not produce any side effects, use on.exit with the return value from your call to timeDateOptions.)


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