sqldf (version 0-1.0)

sqldf: SQL select on data frames


SQL select on data frames


sqldf(..., stringsAsFactors = TRUE, col.classes = NULL, row.names = FALSE, 
   sep = " ", envir = parent.frame(), method = c("auto", "raw"), 
   drv = getOption("dbDriver"))


Character strings which are pasted together to form the select statement. The select statement syntax must conform to the particular database being used.
If TRUE then output "character" columns are converted to factor.
Not currently used.
If TRUE then any row_names column in the output is used as the rownames in the output instead. Otherwise any row_names column is dropped.
A character string used for pasting together ....
The environment where the data frames representing the tables are to be found.
"auto" means automatically assign the class of each column using the heuristic described later. "raw" means use whatever classes are returned by the database with no automatic processing.
"SQLite" or "MySQL". If not specified then the "dbDriver" option is checked and if that is not set then "SQLite" is used unless the RMySQL package is loaded.


  • The result of the specified select statement is output as a data frame.


sqldf scans the select statement for tables, creates or accesses a database, reads data frames with the indicated table names into the database, performs the select statement, converts the columns to appropriate classes, outputs the result as a data frame and deletes the database. The select statement must use the syntax and expressions of the database, SQLite or MySQL, being used. In typical usage the only argument is the SQL statement. If the default method = "auto" is used then the classes used for the columns of the result are determined heuristically in a two step manner. First a column of the same name is searched for in the input data frames and the class of that column is used if found. If that column is a factor or ordered factor its levels are also used. If no column is found using this method then if the column is of character class then it is converted to factor; otherwise, it is whatever class came back from the database. The second step, i.e. automatic conversion of unmatched character columns to factor, can be disabled while still performing the first step by setting the stringsAsFactors argument to FALSE. Note that if row.names = TRUE is used then any NATURAL JOIN will make use of it which may not be what was intended. The SQLite code has been tested but the MySQL code has not.


The sqldf home page http://code.google.com/p/batchfiles/ contains links to SQLite pages that may be helpful in formulating queries.


Run this code
# These ecamples show how to run a variety of data frame manipulations
# in R without SQL and then again with SQL

# head
a1r <- head(warpbreaks)
a1s <- sqldf("select * from warpbreaks limit 6")
identical(a1r, a1s)

# subset

a2r <- subset(CO2, regexpr("Qn", Plant) > 0)
a2s <- sqldf("select * from CO2 where Plant like 'Qn%'")
all.equal(a2r, a2s, check.attributes = FALSE)

data(farms, package = "MASS")
a3r <- subset(farms, Manag %in% c("BF", "HF"))
a3s <- sqldf("select * from farms where Manag in ('BF', 'HF')")
row.names(a3r) <- NULL
identical(a3r, a3s)

a4r <- subset(warpbreaks, breaks >= 20 & breaks <= 30)
a4s <- sqldf("select * from warpbreaks where breaks between 20 and 30", 
   row.names = TRUE)
identical(a4r, a4s)

a5r <- subset(farms, Mois == 'M1')
a5s <- sqldf("select * from farms where Mois = 'M1'", row.names = TRUE)
identical(a5r, a5s)

a6r <- subset(farms, Mois == 'M2')
a6s <- sqldf("select * from farms where Mois = 'M2'", row.names = TRUE)
identical(a6r, a6s)

# rbind
a7r <- rbind(a5r, a6r)
a7s <- sqldf("select * from a5s union all select * from a6s", row.names = TRUE)
identical(a7r, a7s)

# aggregate - avg conc and uptake by Plant and Type
a8r <- aggregate(iris[1:2], iris[5], mean)
a8s <- sqldf("select Species, avg(Sepal_Length) `Sepal.Length`, 
   avg(Sepal_Width) `Sepal.Width` from iris group by Species")
all.equal(a8r, a8s)

# by - avg conc and total uptake by Plant and Type
a9r <- do.call(rbind, by(iris, iris[5], function(x) with(x,
	data.frame(Species = Species[1], 
		mean.Sepal.Length = mean(Sepal.Length),
		mean.Sepal.Width = mean(Sepal.Width),
		mean.Sepal.ratio = mean(Sepal.Length/Sepal.Width)))))
row.names(a9r) <- NULL
a9s <- sqldf("select Species, avg(Sepal_Length) `mean.Sepal.Length`,
	avg(Sepal_Width) `mean.Sepal.Width`, 
	avg(Sepal_Length/Sepal_Width) `mean.Sepal.ratio` from iris
	group by Species")
all.equal(a9r, a9s)

# head - top 3 breaks
a10r <- head(warpbreaks[order(warpbreaks$breaks, decreasing = TRUE), ], 3)
a10s <- sqldf("select * from warpbreaks order by breaks desc limit 3")
row.names(a10r) <- NULL
identical(a10r, a10s)

# head - bottom 3 breaks
a11r <- head(warpbreaks[order(warpbreaks$breaks), ], 3)
a11s <- sqldf("select * from warpbreaks order by breaks limit 3")
# attributes(a11r) <- attributes(a11s) <- NULL
row.names(a11r) <- NULL
identical(a11r, a11s)

# ave - rows for which v exceeds its group average where g is group
DF <- data.frame(g = rep(1:2, each = 5), t = rep(1:5, 2), v = 1:10)
a12r <- subset(DF, v > ave(v, g, FUN = mean))
Gavg <- sqldf("select g, avg(v) as avg_v from DF group by g")
a12s <- sqldf("select DF.g, t, v from DF, Gavg where DF.g = Gavg.g and v > avg_v")
row.names(a12r) <- NULL
identical(a12r, a12s)

# same but reduce the two select statements to one using a subquery
a13s <- sqldf("select g, t, v from DF d1, (select g as g2, avg(v) as avg_v from DF group by g) where d1.g = g2 and v > avg_v")
identical(a12r, a13s)

# same but shorten using natural join
a14s <- sqldf("select g, t, v from DF natural join (select g, avg(v) as avg_v from DF group by g) where v > avg_v")
identical(a12r, a14s)

# reshape
t.names <- paste("t", unique(as.character(DF$t)), sep = "_")
a15r <- reshape(DF, direction = "wide", timevar = "t", idvar = "g", varying = list(t.names))
a15s <- sqldf("select g, sum((t == 1) * v) t_1, sum((t == 2) * v) t_2, sum((t == 3) * v) t_3, sum((t == 4) * v) t_4, sum((t == 5) * v) t_5 from DF group by g")
all.equal(a15r, a15s, check.attributes = FALSE)

# order
a16r <- Formaldehyde[order(Formaldehyde$optden, decreasing = TRUE), ]
a16s <- sqldf("select * from Formaldehyde order by optden desc")
row.names(a16r) <- NULL
identical(a16r, a16s)

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