stablelearner (version 0.1-4)

similarity_measures_classification: Similarity Measure Infrastructure for Stability Assessment with Ordinal Responses


Functions that provide objects with functionality used by stability to measure the similarity between the predictions of two results in classification problems.



bdist() tvdist() hdist() jsdiv(base = 2)



A positive or complex number: the base with respect to which logarithms are computed. Defaults to 2.


The similarity measure functions provide objects that include functionality used by stability to measure the similarity between the probability predictions of two results in classification problems.

The clagree and ckappa functions provide an object that can be used to assess the similarity based on the predicted classes of two results. The predicted classes are selected by the class with the highest probability.

The bdist (Bhattacharayya distance), tvdist (Total variation distance), hdist (Hellinger distance) and jsdist (Jenson-Shannon divergence) functions provide an object that can be used to assess the similarity based on the predicted class probabilities of two results.

See Also



Run this code

# \donttest{


## build trees
m1 <- ctree(Species ~ ., data = iris[sample(1:nrow(iris), replace = TRUE),])
m2 <- ctree(Species ~ ., data = iris[sample(1:nrow(iris), replace = TRUE),])

p1 <- predict(m1, type = "prob")
p2 <- predict(m2, type = "prob")

## class agreement
m <- clagree()
m$measure(p1, p2)

## cohen's kappa
m <- ckappa()
m$measure(p1, p2)

## bhattacharayya distance
m <- bdist()
m$measure(p1, p2)

## total variation distance
m <- tvdist()
m$measure(p1, p2)

## hellinger distance
m <- hdist()
m$measure(p1, p2)

## jenson-shannon divergence
m <- jsdiv()
m$measure(p1, p2)

## jenson-shannon divergence (base = exp(1))
m <- jsdiv(base = exp(1))
m$measure(p1, p2)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab