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stats (version 3.5.2)

plot.ts: Plotting Time-Series Objects


Plotting method for objects inheriting from class "ts".


# S3 method for ts
plot(x, y = NULL, plot.type = c("multiple", "single"),
        xy.labels, xy.lines, panel = lines, nc, yax.flip = FALSE,
        mar.multi = c(0, 5.1, 0, if(yax.flip) 5.1 else 2.1),
        oma.multi = c(6, 0, 5, 0), axes = TRUE, …)

# S3 method for ts lines(x, …)


x, y

time series objects, usually inheriting from class "ts".


for multivariate time series, should the series by plotted separately (with a common time axis) or on a single plot? Can be abbreviated.


logical, indicating if text() labels should be used for an x-y plot, or character, supplying a vector of labels to be used. The default is to label for up to 150 points, and not for more.


logical, indicating if lines should be drawn for an x-y plot. Defaults to the value of xy.labels if that is logical, otherwise to TRUE.


a function(x, col, bg, pch, type, ...) which gives the action to be carried out in each panel of the display for plot.type = "multiple". The default is lines.


the number of columns to use when type = "multiple". Defaults to 1 for up to 4 series, otherwise to 2.


logical indicating if the y-axis (ticks and numbering) should flip from side 2 (left) to 4 (right) from series to series when type = "multiple".

mar.multi, oma.multi

the (default) par settings for plot.type = "multiple". Modify with care!


logical indicating if x- and y- axes should be drawn.

additional graphical arguments, see plot, plot.default and par.


If y is missing, this function creates a time series plot, for multivariate series of one of two kinds depending on plot.type.

If y is present, both x and y must be univariate, and a scatter plot y ~ x will be drawn, enhanced by using text if xy.labels is TRUE or character, and lines if xy.lines is TRUE.

See Also

ts for basic time series construction and access functionality.


Run this code

## Multivariate
z <- ts(matrix(rt(200 * 8, df = 3), 200, 8),
        start = c(1961, 1), frequency = 12)
plot(z, yax.flip = TRUE)
plot(z, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE,
     mar.multi = c(0,0,0,0), oma.multi = c(1,1,5,1))
title("plot(ts(..), axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, frame.plot=TRUE, mar..., oma...)")

z <- window(z[,1:3], end = c(1969,12))
plot(z, type = "b")    # multiple
plot(z, plot.type = "single", lty = 1:3, col = 4:2)

## A phase plot:
plot(nhtemp, lag(nhtemp, 1), cex = .8, col = "blue",
     main = "Lag plot of New Haven temperatures")

## xy.lines and xy.labels are FALSE for large series:
plot(lag(sunspots, 1), sunspots, pch = ".")

SMI <- EuStockMarkets[, "SMI"]
plot(lag(SMI,  1), SMI, pch = ".")
plot(lag(SMI, 20), SMI, pch = ".", log = "xy",
     main = "4 weeks lagged SMI stocks -- log scale", xy.lines =  TRUE)
# }

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