stream (version 1.2-3)

DSC_DBSTREAM: DBSTREAM clustering algorithm


Implements a simple density-based stream clustering algorithm that assigns data points to micro-clusters with a given radius and implements shared-density-based reclustering.


DSC_DBSTREAM(r, lambda = 0.001, gaptime = 1000L, Cm = 3, metric = "Euclidean", shared_density = FALSE, alpha=0.1, k=0, minweight = 0) get_shared_density(x, use_alpha = TRUE) change_alpha(x, alpha) get_cluster_assignments(x)


The radius of micro-clusters.
The lambda used in the fading function.
weak micro-clusters (and weak shared density entries) are removed every gaptime points.
minimum weight for a micro-cluster.
metric used to calculate distances.
Record shared density information. If set to TRUE then shared density is used for reclustering, otherwise reachability is used (overlapping clusters with less than $r*(1-alpha)$ distance are clustered together).
The number of macro clusters to be returned if macro is true.
For shared density: The minimum proportion of shared points between to clusters to warrant combining them (a suitable value for 2D data is .3). For reachability clustering it is a distance factor.
The proportion of the total weight a macro-cluster needs to have not to be noise (between 0 and 1).
A DSC_DBSTREAM object to get the shared density information from.
only return shared density if it exceeds alpha.


An object of class DSC_DBSTREAM (subclass of DSC, DSC_R, DSC_Micro).


The DBSTREAM algorithm checks for each new data point in the incoming stream, if it is below the threshold value of dissimilarity value of any existing micro-clusters, and if so, merges the point with the micro-cluster. Otherwise, a new micro-cluster is created to accommodate the new data point.

Although DSC_DBSTREAM is a micro clustering algorithm, macro clusters and weights are available.

get_cluster_assignments() can be used to extract the MC assignment for each data point clustered during the last update operation (note: update needs to be called with assignments = TRUE and the block size needs to be large enough). The function returns the MC index (in the current set of MCs obtained with, e.g., get_centers()) and as an attribute the permanent MC ids.

plot() for DSC_DBSTREAM has two extra logical parameters called assignment and shared_density which show the assignment area and the shared density graph, respectively.

See Also

DSC, DSC_Micro


Run this code
stream <- DSD_Gaussians(k = 3, noise = 0.05)

# create clusterer with r = 0.05
dbstream <- DSC_DBSTREAM(r = .05)
update(dbstream, stream, 1000)

# check micro-clusters
plot(dbstream, stream)

# plot macro-clusters
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "both")

# plot micro-clusters with assignment area
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "both", assignment = TRUE)

# DBSTREAM with shared density 
dbstream <- DSC_DBSTREAM(r = .05, shared_density = TRUE, Cm=5)
update(dbstream, stream, 1000)
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "both")
# plot the shared density graph (several options)
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "both", shared_density = TRUE)
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "micro", shared_density = TRUE)
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "micro", shared_density = TRUE, assignment = TRUE)
plot(dbstream, stream, type = "none", shared_density = TRUE, assignment = TRUE)

# see how micro and macro-clusters relate
# each microcluster has an entry with the macro-cluster id
# Note: unassigned micro-clusters (noise) have an NA

# do some evaluation
evaluate(dbstream, stream, measure="purity")
evaluate(dbstream, stream, measure="cRand", type="macro")

# use DBSTREAM for conventional clustering (with assignments = TRUE so we can
# later retrieve the cluster assignments for each point)
dbstream <- DSC_DBSTREAM(r = 1)
update(dbstream, iris[,-5], assignments = TRUE)

cl <- get_cluster_assignments(dbstream)

# micro-clusters
plot(iris[,-5], col = cl, pch = cl)

# macro-clusters
plot(iris[,-5], col = microToMacro(dbstream, cl))

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