df1 <- data.frame(y=rnorm(300))
df1[150:300,"y"] <- df1[150:300,"y"]+1
## use the first 50 observations as history period
e1 <- efp(y~1, data=df1[1:50,,drop=FALSE], type="ME", h=1)
me1 <- mefp(e1, alpha=0.05)
## the same in one function call
me1 <- mefp(y~1, data=df1[1:50,,drop=FALSE], type="ME", h=1,
## monitor the 50 next observations
me2 <- monitor(me1, data=df1[1:100,,drop=FALSE])
# and now monitor on all data
me3 <- monitor(me2, data=df1)
## Load dataset "USIncExp" with income and expenditure in the US
## and choose a suitable subset for the history period
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp, start=c(1969,1), end=c(1971,12))
## initialize the monitoring with the formula interface
me.mefp <- mefp(expenditure~income, type="ME", rescale=TRUE,
data=USIncExp3, alpha=0.05)
## monitor the new observations for the year 1972
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp, start=c(1969,1), end=c(1972,12))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)
## monitor the new data for the years 1973-1976
USIncExp3 <- window(USIncExp, start=c(1969,1), end=c(1976,12))
me.mefp <- monitor(me.mefp)
plot(me.mefp, functional = NULL)
# }
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