Help Me/Pay Me to Use, Improve, and Extend
Note: this is a working htmlwidget
first released in the Building Widgets htmlwidget-a-week project. sunburstR
has already seen extensive use in many projects across multiple domains. If you have any interest in collaborating with me on this project or applying sunburstR
, please let me know (see Time Isn't Money).
Easily make these interactive d3.js
sequence sunburst charts in R
modeled on this example from Kerry Rodden. For more details, see this post Week 26 | sunburstR from the BuildingWidgets blog.
See the examples.
These are still far from feature-complete. I would love your input, feedback, and comments.
Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.