surveillance (version 1.12.1)

hhh4_W: Power-Law and Nonparametric Neighbourhood Weights for hhh4-Models


Set up power-law or nonparametric weights for the neighbourhood component of hhh4-models as proposed by Meyer and Held (2014). Without normalization, power-law weights are $w_{ji} = o_{ji}^{-d}$, where $o_{ji}$ is the order of neighbourhood between regions $i$ and $j$, see nbOrder, and $d$ is to be estimated. In the nonparametric formulation, maxlag-1 order-specific log-weights are to be estimated (the first-order weight is always fixed to 1 for identifiability).


W_powerlaw(maxlag, normalize = TRUE,
           log = FALSE, initial = if (log) 0 else 1)

W_np(maxlag, to0 = TRUE, normalize = TRUE, initial = log(zetaweights(2:maxlag)))


a single integer specifying a limiting order of neighbourhood. If spatial dependence is not to be truncated at some high order, maxlag should be set to the maximum neighbourhood order in the network of regions.
W_np represents order-specific log-weights up to order maxlag. Higher orders are by default (to0=TRUE) assumed to have 0 weight as for W_powerlaw. Alternatively, to0=FALSE reques
logical indicating if the weights should be normalized such that the rows of the weight matrix sum to 1 (default). Note that normalization does not work with islands, i.e., regions without neighbours.
logical indicating if the decay parameter $d$ should be estimated on the log-scale to ensure positivity.
initial value of the parameter vector.


  • a list which can be passed as a specification of parametric neighbourhood weights in the control$ne$weights argument of hhh4.


Meyer, S. and Held, L. (2014): Power-law models for infectious disease spread. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 8 (3), 1612-1639. 10.1214/14-AOAS743

See Also

nbOrder to determine the matrix of neighbourhood orders from a binary adjacency matrix. siaf.powerlaw, and siaf.step for modelling distance decay as power law or step function in twinstim space-time point process models.


Run this code

## data contains neighbourhood orders as required for parametric weights
max(neighbourhood(measlesWeserEms))  # max order is 5

## fit a power-law decay of spatial interaction
## in a hhh4 model with seasonality and random intercepts in the endemic part
measlesModel <- list(
    ar = list(f = ~ 1),
    ne = list(f = ~ 1, weights = W_powerlaw(maxlag=5, normalize=TRUE, log=FALSE)),
    end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~-1 + ri(), S=1, period=52),
               offset = population(measlesWeserEms)),
    family = "NegBin1")

## fit the model
set.seed(1)  # random intercepts are initialized randomly
measlesFit <- hhh4(measlesWeserEms, measlesModel)
summary(measlesFit)  # "neweights.d" is the decay parameter d

## plot the spatio-temporal weights o_ji^-d / sum_k o_jk^-d
## as a function of neighbourhood order
plot(measlesFit, type="neweights")
## Due to normalization, same distance does not necessarily mean same weight.
## There is no evidence for a power law of spatial interaction in this
## small observation region with only 17 districts.
## A possible simpler model is first-order dependence, i.e., using
## 'weights = neighbourhood(measlesWeserEms) == 1' in the 'ne' component.

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