surveillance (version 1.12.1)

imdepi: Occurrence of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Germany


imdepi contains data on the spatio-temporal location of 636 cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) caused by the two most common meningococcal finetypes in Germany, B:P1.7-2,4:F1-5 (of serogroup B) and C:P1.5,2:F3-3 (of serogroup C). imdepifit contains a model fit to the imdepi data.







imdepi is an object of class "epidataCS" (a list with components events, stgrid, W and qmatrix). imdepifit is an object of class "twinstim", see summary.twinstim for some simple methods for fitted "twinstim" models.


IMD case reports: German Reference Centre for Meningococci (NRZM) -- hosted by the Department of Hygiene and Microbiology, Julius-Maximilians-Universit{ae}t W{ue}rzburg, Germany. Thanks to Dr. Johannes Elias and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Vogel for providing the data. See and for further details.

Shapefile of Germany's districts as at 2009-01-01: Bundesamt f{ue}r Kartographie und Geod{ae}sie, Frankfurt am Main, Germany,


The imdepi data is a simplified version of what has been analyzed by Meyer et al. (2012). Simplification is with respect to the temporal resolution of the stgrid (see below) to be used in twinstim's endemic model component. In what follows, we describe the elements events, stgrid, W, and qmatrix of imdepi in greater detail.

imdepi$events is a "SpatialPointsDataFrame" object (ETRS89 projection, i.e. EPSG code 3035, with unit km) containing 636 events, each with the following entries: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] There are further auxiliary columns attached to the events' data the names of which begin with a . (dot): These are created during conversion to the "epidataCS" class and are necessary for fitting the data with twinstim, see the description of the "epidataCS"-class. With coordinates(imdepi$events) one obtains the (x,y) locations of the events.

The district identifier in tile is indexed according to the German official municipality key ( Amtlicher Gemeindeschl{ue}ssel). See for details. The data component stgrid contains the spatio-temporal grid of endemic covariate information. In addition to the usual bookkeeping variables this includes: [object Object],[object Object] We have actually not included any time-dependent covariates here, we just established this grid with a (reduced -> fast) temporal resolution of monthly intervals so that we can model endemic time trends and seasonality (in this discretized time). The entry W contains the observation window as a "SpatialPolygons" object, in this case the boundaries of Germany. It was obtained as stateD <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(districtsD), where districtsD represents Germany's districts as at 2009-01-01 (originally obtained from, simplified by the modified Visvalingam algorithm (level 6.6%) available at (v. 0.1.17). The objects districtsD and stateD are contained in system.file("shapes", "districtsD.RData", package="surveillance"). The entry qmatrix is a $2\times 2$ identity matrix indicating that no transmission between the two finetypes can occur.


Meyer, S., Elias, J. and H{oe}hle, M. (2012): A space-time conditional intensity model for invasive meningococcal disease occurrence. Biometrics, 68, 607-616. 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01684.x

See Also

the data class "epidataCS", and function twinstim for model fitting.


Run this code

# Basic information
print(imdepi, n=5, digits=2)

# What is an epidataCS-object?
str(imdepi, max.level=4)
# => events data.frame has hidden columns
sapply(imdepi$events@data, class)
# marks and print methods ignore these auxiliary columns

# look at the B type only
imdepiB <- subset(imdepi, type == "B")
#<- subsetting applies to the 'events' component

# select only the last 10 events
tail(imdepi, n=10)   # there is also a corresponding 'head' method

# Access event marks

# there is an update-method which assures that the object remains valid
# when changing parameters like eps.s, eps.t or qmatrix
update(imdepi, eps.t = 20)

# Summary
s <- summary(imdepi)

# Step function of number of infectives
plot(s$counter, xlab = "Time [days]",
     ylab = "Number of infectious individuals",
     main = "Time series of IMD assuming 30 days infectious period")

# distribution of number of potential sources of infection
opar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), las=1)
for (type in c("B","C")) {
  xlim=range(s$nSources), xlab = "Number of potential epidemic sources",
  ylab = "Proportion of events [%]")

# a histogram of the number of events along time (using the
# plot-method for the epidataCS-class, see ?plot.epidataCS)
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(imdepi, "time", subset = type == "B", main = "Finetype B")
plot(imdepi, "time", subset = type == "C", main = "Finetype C")

# Plot the spatial distribution of the events in W
plot(imdepi, "space", points.args = list(col=c("indianred", "darkblue")),
     axes = TRUE, lwd = 2)
title(xlab = "x [km]", ylab = "y [km]")

# or manually (no legends, no account for tied locations)
plot(imdepi$W, lwd=2)
plot(imdepi$events, pch=c(3,4)[imdepi$events$type], cex=0.8,
     col=c("indianred", "darkblue")[imdepi$events$type], add=TRUE)

# Show a dynamic illustration of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the 
  # spread during the first year of type B with a step size of 7 days
  animate(imdepiB, interval=c(0,365), time.spacing=7, sleep=0.1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab