taxa (version 0.3.4)

arrange_taxa: Sort the edge list of taxmap() objects


Sort the edge list and taxon list in taxonomy() or taxmap() objects. See dplyr::arrange() for the inspiration for this function and more information. Calling the function using the obj$arrange_taxa(...) style edits "obj" in place, unlike most R functions. However, calling the function using the arrange_taxa(obj, ...) imitates R's traditional copy-on-modify semantics, so "obj" would not be changed; instead a changed version would be returned, like most R functions.

arrange_taxa(obj, ...)



One or more expressions (e.g. column names) to sort on. Any variable name that appears in all_names() can be used as if it was a vector on its own.


An object of type taxonomy() or taxmap()

See Also

Other taxmap manipulation functions: arrange_obs(), filter_obs(), filter_taxa(), mutate_obs(), sample_frac_obs(), sample_frac_taxa(), sample_n_obs(), sample_n_taxa(), select_obs(), transmute_obs()


Run this code
# Sort taxa in ascending order
arrange_taxa(ex_taxmap, taxon_names)

# Sort taxa in decending order
arrange_taxa(ex_taxmap, desc(taxon_names))

# Sort using an expression. List genera first.
arrange_taxa(ex_taxmap, taxon_ranks != "genus")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab