tcR (version 1.1)

column.summary: Columns statistics.


column.summary - general function for computing summary statistics (using the summary function) for columns of the given mitcr data.frame: divide .factor.column by factors from .alphabet and compute statistics of correspondingly divided .target.column.

insertion.stats - compute statistics of insertions for the given mitcr data.frame.


column.summary(.data, .factor.col, .target.col, .alphabet = NA, .remove.neg = T)



Data frame with columns .factor.col and target.col
Columns with factors by which the data will be divided to subsets.
Column with numeric values for computing summaries after dividing the data to subsets.
Character vector of factor levels. If NA than use all possible elements frim the .factor.col column.
Remove all elements which >-1 from the .target.col column.


  • Data.frame with first column with levels of factors and 5 columns with output from the summary function.

See Also



Run this code
# Compute summary statistics of VD insertions
# for each V-segment using all V-segments in the given data frame.
column.summary(immdata[[1]], 'V.segments', 'Total.insertions')
# Compute summary statistics of VD insertions for each V-segment using only V-segments
# from the V_BETA_ALPHABET
column.summary(immdata[[1]], 'V.segments', 'Total.insertions', V_BETA_ALPHABET)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab