tcR (version 1.1)

entropy.seg: Repertoires' analysis using information measures applied to V- and J- segment frequencies.


Information approach to repertoire analysis. Function entropy.seg applies Shannon entropy to V-usage and hence measures variability of V-usage. Function js.div.seg applied Jensen-Shannon divergence to V-usage of two or more data frames and hence measures distance among this V-usages.


entropy.seg(.data, .frame = c('all', 'in', 'out'),
            .alphabet = if (.VJ) "beta" else 'TRBV', .meat = F, .other = T, .VJ = F)

js.div.seg(.data, .data2 = NULL, .frame = c('all', 'in', 'out'), .norm.entropy = T, .alphabet = if (.VJ) "beta" else 'TRBV', .meat = F, .other = T, .VJ = F, .verbose = T)


Mitcr data.frame or a list with mitcr data.frames.
Character vector of length 1 specified which *-frames should be used: only in-frame ('in'), out-of-frame ('out') or all sequences ('all').
Parameter to freq.segments() and freq.segments.2D() functions.
Parameter to freq.segments() and freq.segments.2D() functions.
Parameter to freq.segments() and freq.segments.2D() functions.
If F than apply freq.segments function, else apply freq.segments.2D function.
NULL if .data is a list, or a second mitcr data.frame.
If T than divide result by mean entropy of 2 segments' frequencies.
If T than print progress of function executing.


  • For entropy.seg - numeric integer with entropy value(s). For js.div.seg - integer of vector one if .data and .data2 are provided; esle matrix length(.data) X length(.data) if .data is a list.

See Also

vis.heatmap,, freq.segments