tcR (version 1.1)

top.cross: Perform sequential cross starting from the top of a data.frame.


top.cross - get top crosses of the given type between each pair of the given data.frames with top.cross function.

top.cross.vec - get vector of cross values for each top with the top.cross.vec function.

top.cross.plot - plot a plots with result with the top.cross.plot function.


top.cross(.data, .n = NA, .data2 = NULL, .type = 'ave', .norm = F, .verbose = T)

top.cross.vec(.top.cross.res, .i, .j)

top.cross.plot(.top.cross.res, .xlab = 'Top clones', .ylab = 'Normalised number of shared clones', .nrow = 2, .legend.ncol = 1, .logx = T, .logy = T)


Either list of data.frames or a data.frame.
Integer vector of parameter appled to the head function; same as .n in the function. See "Details" for more information.
Second data.frame or NULL if .data is a list.
Parameter .type to the tcR::intersect function.
Parameter .norm to the tcR::intersect function.
If T than plot a progress bar.
Result from the top.cross function.
Coordinate of a cell in each matrix.
Name for a x-lab.
Name for a y-lab.
Number of rows of sub-plots in the output plot.
Number of columns in the output legend.
If T than transform x-axis to log-scale.
If T than transform y-axis to log-scale.


  • top.cross - return list for each element in .n with intersection matrix (from tcR::intersect).

    top.cross.vec - vector of length .n with .i:.j elements of each matrix.

    top.cross.plot - grid / ggplot object.


Parameter .n can have two possible values. It could be either integer vector of numbers (same as in the function) or NA and then it will be replaced internally by the value .n <- seq(5000, min(sapply(.data, nrow)), 5000).

See Also



Run this code <- top.cross(immdata)

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