tcR (version 2.3.2)

get.kmers: Get kmers from sequences.


Get vector of kmers from the given character vector or data frame.


  .head = -1,
  .k = 5,
  .clean = T,
  .meat = F,
  .verbose = T,
  .left.shift = 0,
  .right.shift = 0



Either character vector or a data.frame.


Parameter for head function applied to the given data before kmer generation.


Size of the kmer.


if T then remove sequences which contain '~' or '*' symbols. Useful for deleting out-of-frame aminoacid sequnces.


if TRUE than .data must be data.frame with columns CDR3.amino.acid.sequence and Read.count.


if T then print progress.


Cut all .left.shift symbols from the left side for each sequence.


Cut all .right.shift symbols from the right side for each sequence.


Data.frame with 2 columns Kmers and Count / Rank / Proportion relatively to the .value param or a list with such data.frames if .data is a list.